ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2402 R1
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HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling > Struct Template Reference


template<typename T, typename TStored, typename TKey, typename TIfMapped, typename THash, typename TEqual, typename TAccess, lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling>
struct alib::monomem::detail::HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >

Base struct of HashTable providing internals.

The separation of the internals of class HashTable to this type in namespace detail has no benefit on compilation speed or other positive "technical" effect, nor is it a matter of software design.
A user of derived class HashTable finds all interface methods and types in one place, which is not cluttered by the documentation of the internals found here. Otherwise, the separation is exclusively supporting source code organization.
Template Parameters
TSee reference documentation of class HashTable.
TStoredSee reference documentation of class HashTable.
TKeySee reference documentation of class HashTable.
TIfMappedSee reference documentation of class HashTable.
THashSee reference documentation of class HashTable.
TEqualSee reference documentation of class HashTable.
TAccessSee reference documentation of class HashTable.
THashCachingSee reference documentation of class HashTable.
TRecyclingSee reference documentation of class HashTable.

Definition at line 245 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Inheritance diagram for HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >:
Collaboration diagram for HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >:

Inner Type Index:

struct  NO_MAPPING
class  TIterator
class  TLocalIterator

Public Type Index:

using Element = typename HashTableElementType<T,TStored,TKey,THashCaching>::type
using List = lang::SidiListHelper<Element>
using Node = lang::SidiNodeBase<Element>
using TMapped = ATMP_IF_T_F( ATMP_EQ(TIfMapped, void), NO_MAPPING, TIfMapped )

Public Static Method Index:

static size_t getHashCode (Element *elem)
static TKey & keyPortion (Element *element)
static TMappedmappedPortion (Element *element)

Public Field Index:

float baseLoadFactor
uinteger bucketCount
float maxLoadFactor
HashTableRecycler< T, TStored, TKey, THashCaching, TRecycling >::type recycler
integer size
integer sizeLimitToRehash

Public Method Index:

 HashTableBase (MonoAllocator *pAllocator, float pBaseLoadFactor, float pMaxLoadFactor)
 HashTableBase (MonoAllocator *pAllocator, List &pRecycler, float pBaseLoadFactor=1.0, float pMaxLoadFactor=2.0)
ElementallocElement (const size_t hashCode)
bool areEqual (Element *elem, const TKey &key, size_t keyHashCode) const
bool areEqual (Element *lhs, Element *rhs) const
void clear ()
ElementfindElement (uinteger bucketIdx, const TKey &key, size_t keyHashCode) const
NodefindElementBefore (uinteger bucketIdx, size_t keyHashCode, const TKey &key) const
std::pair< TIterator< T >, TIterator< T > > findRange (const TKey &key)
size_t increaseSize (integer increase, const size_t hashCode=0)
std::pair< TIterator< T >, bool > insertIfNotExists (const TKey &key, size_t hashCode)
uinteger insertInBucket (Element *element, const size_t hashCode)
std::pair< TIterator< T >, bool > insertOrGet (const TKey &key, size_t hashCode)
void rehash (uinteger newMinBucketCount)
void reset ()
void setMaxLoadFactor (float pMaxLoadFactor)

Type Definition Details:

◆ Element

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
using Element = typename HashTableElementType<T,TStored,TKey,THashCaching>::type

The type stored in bucket List.

Definition at line 266 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ List

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
using List = lang::SidiListHelper<Element>

Type of a single linked node list.

Definition at line 269 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ Node

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
using Node = lang::SidiNodeBase<Element>

Type of a node in the List.

Definition at line 272 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ TMapped

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
using TMapped = ATMP_IF_T_F( ATMP_EQ(TIfMapped, void), NO_MAPPING, TIfMapped )

Equals template parameter TIfMapped in case this is not void, and helper struct NO_MAPPING if it is.

Definition at line 263 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Field Details:

◆ allocator

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
MonoAllocator* allocator

The allocator assigned.

Definition at line 713 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ baseLoadFactor

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
float baseLoadFactor

The load factor that is set when the table is rehashed automatically.

Definition at line 722 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ bucketCount

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
uinteger bucketCount

The number of buckets managed by this tree.

Definition at line 716 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ buckets

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
List* buckets

The list of buckets.

Definition at line 719 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ maxLoadFactor

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
float maxLoadFactor

The maximum quotient of size and bucketCount that triggers a rehash.

Definition at line 725 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ recycler

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
HashTableRecycler<T,TStored,TKey,THashCaching,TRecycling>::type recycler

The recycler. Its type depends on template parameter TRecycling .

Definition at line 259 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ size

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
integer size

The number of elements stored.

Definition at line 728 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ sizeLimitToRehash

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
integer sizeLimitToRehash

Calculated once with rehash. Product of maxLoadFactor and bucketCount.

Definition at line 731 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Constructor(s) / Destructor Details::

◆ HashTableBase() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
HashTableBase ( MonoAllocator * pAllocator,
float pBaseLoadFactor,
float pMaxLoadFactor )


pAllocatorThe monotonic allocator to use.
pBaseLoadFactorThe base load factor.
pMaxLoadFactorThe maximum load factor.

Definition at line 740 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ HashTableBase() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
HashTableBase ( MonoAllocator * pAllocator,
List & pRecycler,
float pBaseLoadFactor = 1.0,
float pMaxLoadFactor = 2.0 )

Constructor taking a shared recycler.

pAllocatorThe monotonic allocator to use.
pRecyclerThe shared recycler.
pBaseLoadFactorThe base load factor.
pMaxLoadFactorThe maximum load factor.

Definition at line 761 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Method Details:

◆ allocElement()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
Element * allocElement ( const size_t hashCode)

Returns either a recycled or newly allocated element.

hashCodeThe hashCode of the new element. Used only in cached case.
A pointer to the element created or recycled.

Definition at line 309 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ areEqual() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
bool areEqual ( Element * elem,
const TKey & key,
size_t keyHashCode ) const

Compares a key and a node. If cached mode, the hash codes are compared prior to the keys.

elemThe element to compare.
keyThe key to compare.
keyHashCodeThe hash code of key .
The result of the comparison.

Definition at line 803 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ areEqual() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
bool areEqual ( Element * lhs,
Element * rhs ) const

Compares two elements. If cached mode, the hash code is compared prior to the keys.

lhsThe first node to compare.
rhsThe second node to compare.
The result of the comparison.

Definition at line 789 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clear()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
void clear ( )

Destructs and removes all entries from this hash table.

Definition at line 898 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ findElement()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
Element * findElement ( uinteger bucketIdx,
const TKey & key,
size_t keyHashCode ) const

Searches the first element equal to key in bucket bucketIdx .

bucketIdxThe bucket number to search in (hash code divided by bucketCount).
keyThe key-portion of the element to search.
keyHashCodeThe hash code of key .
A pointer to the element searched, respectively nullptr if not found.

Definition at line 817 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ findElementBefore()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
Node * findElementBefore ( uinteger bucketIdx,
size_t keyHashCode,
const TKey & key ) const

Searches the predecessor of the first element equal to key in bucket bucketIdx .

bucketIdxThe bucket number to search in (hash code divided by bucketCount).
keyThe key-portion of the element to search.
keyHashCodeThe hash code of key .
A pointer to the element before the searched one, respectively nullptr if not found.

Definition at line 841 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ findRange()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
std::pair< TIterator< T >, TIterator< T > > findRange ( const TKey & key)

Searches the first and last element stored according to given key . Returns a pare of iterators that define a range containing all elements with key key of the container.
Parameter resultStart is set to the first element of the matching range and parameter resultEnd is set to point past the last element of the range.

If no element with key key is found, both iterators are set to end.

keyThe key-portion of the elements to find.
A pair of iterators defining the range of elements with key key .

Definition at line 1036 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getHashCode()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
static size_t getHashCode ( Element * elem)

Either returns the cached hash code or calculates it.

elemThe element to receive the hashcode for.
The hash code of the given element.

Definition at line 298 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ increaseSize()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
size_t increaseSize ( integer increase,
const size_t hashCode = 0 )

Increases field size and checks for a rehash.

increaseThe amount to increase.
hashCodeA hashCode that caller might want to have converted into a new actual bucket index.
The bucket index of hashCode .

Definition at line 882 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ insertIfNotExists()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
std::pair< TIterator< T >, bool > insertIfNotExists ( const TKey & key,
size_t hashCode )

Searches (a first) element with the given key. If not found, an invalid iterator to the bucket is returned with a nulled element pointer. Prior to this counter size is increased and, if a load limit is reached, a re-hash is performed.

If otherwise an element was found, its valid iterator is returned.

Note: Used by HashMap::EmplaceIfNotExistent .

keyThe key to the (first) element to find.
hashCodeThe hash code of parameter key .
A pair of an iterator referring to the found or inserted element and a boolean that is true if the insertion took place and false nothing was changed.

Definition at line 1072 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ insertInBucket()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
uinteger insertInBucket ( Element * element,
const size_t hashCode )

Inserts the given element into the bucket. If an element of the same key exists, then the element is put in front of that element. Otherwise it is added to the start of the bucket.

elementThe element to insert to its bucket.
hashCodeThe hash code of parameter element .
The bucket number that the element was inserted to.

Definition at line 861 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ insertOrGet()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
std::pair< TIterator< T >, bool > insertOrGet ( const TKey & key,
size_t hashCode )

Inserts the topmost recyclable element if no element with the same key-portion of its value exists.

keyPointer to the key to search elements for deletion.
hashCodeThe hash code of parameter key .
A pair containing an iterator referring to the element added. The bool component is true if the insertion took place and false if a new element was created.

Definition at line 1098 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ keyPortion()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
static TKey & keyPortion ( Element * element)

Return the key-portion of a given element.

elementThe element to receive the value from.
The key value of the element.

Definition at line 282 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ mappedPortion()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
static TMapped & mappedPortion ( Element * element)

Return the mapped-portion of a given element.

elementThe element to receive the value from.
The key value of the element.

Definition at line 290 of file hashtablebase.inl.

◆ rehash()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
void rehash ( uinteger newMinBucketCount)

Changes the number of buckets to be at least the higher value of a) the given newMinBucketCount , and
b) the quotient of the current size and the maximum load factor.

The result of the above, is increased to the next higher prime number. Rehash is only performed if bucket size increases. It never is decreased.

newMinBucketCountThe minimum new bucket count requested.

Definition at line 963 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ reset()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
void reset ( )

Resets this object. Invokes clear to destruct all keys and values and disposes all allocated internal management data.

Definition at line 931 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setMaxLoadFactor()

template<typename T , typename TStored , typename TKey , typename TIfMapped , typename THash , typename TEqual , typename TAccess , lang::Caching THashCaching, typename TRecycling >
void setMaxLoadFactor ( float pMaxLoadFactor)

Changes the maximum load factor value and invokes rehash providing the actual bucket count as the minimum bucket count that is to be chosen.

pMaxLoadFactorThe maximum load factor used to determine the need of re-hashing.

Definition at line 946 of file hashtablebase.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: