15namespace alib {
namespace lox {
namespace loggers {
177 const NString& typeName =
"ANSI" )
214 int lineNumber)
virtual ALIB_API ~AnsiConsoleLogger() override
Destructs an AnsiConsoleLogger.
static constexpr character ANSI_LIGHT_RED[11]
Select light red as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_LIGHT_BLUE[11]
Select light blue as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_GREEN[6]
Select green as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BOLD[5]
Select bold font style.
virtual void notifyMultiLineOp(lang::Phase) override
Empty implementation.
static constexpr character ANSI_STD_STYLE[5]
Select standard font style.
virtual ALIB_API ~AnsiLogger() override
Destructs an AnsiLogger.
static constexpr character ANSI_GREEN[6]
Select green as foreground color.
ALIB_API AnsiLogger(const NString &name=nullptr, const NString &typeName="ANSI")
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_MAGENTA[6]
Select magenta as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_LIGHT_GREEN[11]
Select light green as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_ITALICS[5]
Select italics font style.
static constexpr character ANSI_RESET[5]
Reset colors and font style.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_BLUE[6]
Select blue as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_LIGHT_GRAY[12]
Select light gray as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_WHITE[11]
Select white as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_LIGHT_STD_COL[6]
Select standard background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_LIGHT_YELLOW[11]
Select light yellow as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_CYAN[6]
Select cyan as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_LIGHT_STD_COL[6]
Select standard foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_WHITE[11]
Select white as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_CYAN[6]
Select cyan as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_LIGHT_GRAY[12]
Select light gray as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_STD_COL[6]
Select standard foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_LIGHT_CYAN[11]
Select light cyan as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_RED[6]
Select red as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_LIGHT_GREEN[11]
Select light green as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BLACK[6]
Select black as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_YELLOW[6]
Select yellow as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_LIGHT_MAGENTA[11]
Select light magenta as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_GRAY[12]
Select gray as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BLUE[6]
Select blue as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_BLACK[6]
Select black as background color.
virtual ALIB_API void AcknowledgeLox(detail::LoxImpl *lox, lang::ContainerOp op) override
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_LIGHT_CYAN[11]
Select light cyan as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_LIGHT_BLUE[11]
Select light blue as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_YELLOW[6]
Select yellow as foreground color.
virtual ALIB_API void logText(detail::Domain &domain, Verbosity verbosity, AString &msg, detail::ScopeInfo &scope, int lineNumber) override
static constexpr character ANSI_MAGENTA[6]
Select magenta as foreground color.
ALIB_API AnsiLogger(std::ostream *pOStream, const NString &name=nullptr, const NString &typeName="ANSI")
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_LIGHT_RED[11]
Select light red as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_GRAY[12]
Select gray as background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_LIGHT_YELLOW[11]
Select light yellow as foreground color.
textlogger::ColorfulLoggerParameters CFP
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_STD_COL[6]
Select standard background color.
static constexpr character ANSI_LIGHT_MAGENTA[11]
Select light magenta as foreground color.
static constexpr character ANSI_BG_RED[6]
Select red as background color.
void SetStream(::std::ostream *os)
Denotes a phase, e.g.,of a transaction.
Denotes standard container operations.
characters::character character
Type alias in namespace alib.
lox::loggers::AnsiConsoleLogger AnsiConsoleLogger
Type alias in namespace alib.
Parameters specific to colorful loggers. As of today, this simply has one attribute.