ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2402 R1
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No Matches
TString< TChar > Class Template Reference


template<typename TChar>
class alib::strings::TString< TChar >

This class is the base class of all ALib string classes. Objects of this type represent character strings whose data is allocated outside their scope. In particular, the class does not allocate a character array buffer to store and manipulate string data.

Once constructed, objects of this class are immutable, except for the possibility to assign a complete new object value. This means, there is no interface to change the single two data members buffer and length. The immutable nature of this type is lifted by derived types. While class Substring allows to change the start and length of the string represented, class AString holds a copy of the data and consequently allows to modify the string stored.

See also
For an introduction into the ALib string classes see this module's Programmer's Manual.
Template Parameters
TCharThe character type.
Alias names for specializations of this class using character types character , nchar , wchar , xchar , complementChar and strangeChar are provided in namespace alib with type definitions String , NString , WString , XString , ComplementString and StrangeString .

Definition at line 73 of file string.hpp.

#include <string.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for TString< TChar >:

Inner Type Index:

class  TRandomAccessIterator

Public Type Index:

using CharType = TChar

Public Method Index:




constexpr TString () noexcept=default
constexpr TString (const TString &) noexcept=default
constexpr TString (TString &&) noexcept=default
TStringoperator= (const TString &) noexcept=default
TStringoperator= (TString &&) noexcept=default
constexpr TString (const TChar *pBuffer, integer pLength) noexcept
template<typename TCharArray >
constexpr TString (const TCharArray &src)
template<typename TCharArray >
 operator TCharArray () const
template<typename TCharArray >
 operator TCharArray () const
template<bool TCheck = true>
TString< TChar > Substring (integer regionStart, integer regionLength=MAX_LEN) const
Buffer Access, Length and State



constexpr const TChar * Buffer () const
constexpr integer Length () const
integer WStringLength () const
constexpr bool IsNull () const
constexpr bool IsNotNull () const
constexpr bool IsEmpty () const
constexpr bool IsNotEmpty () const
Character Access



template<bool TCheck = true>
TChar CharAt (integer idx) const
template<bool TCheck = true>
TChar CharAtStart () const
template<bool TCheck = true>
TChar CharAtEnd () const
TChar operator[] (integer idx) const



std::size_t Hashcode () const
std::size_t HashcodeIgnoreCase () const
Comparison Methods



template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
bool Equals (const TString< TChar > &rhs) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
int CompareTo (const TString< TChar > &rhs) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
int CompareTo (const TString &rhs, integer rhsRegionStart, integer rhsRegionLength=MAX_LEN) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
int CompareTo (const TString &rhs, integer rhsRegionStart, integer rhsRegionLength, integer regionStart, integer regionLength=MAX_LEN) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
bool ContainsAt (const TString &needle, integer pos) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
bool StartsWith (const TString &needle) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
bool EndsWith (const TString &needle) const



template<bool TCheck = true>
integer IndexOf (TChar needle, integer startIdx=0) const
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer IndexOf (TChar needle, integer regionStart, integer regionLength) const
integer IndexOfOrLength (TChar needle) const
template<bool TCheck = true>
ALIB_WARNINGS_ALLOW_UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE integer IndexOfOrLength (TChar needle, integer startIdx) const
template<bool TCheck = true>
ALIB_WARNINGS_RESTORE integer LastIndexOf (TChar needle, integer startIndex=MAX_LEN) const
template<lang::Inclusion TInclusion, bool TCheck = true>
integer IndexOfAny (const TString &needles, integer startIdx=0) const
template<lang::Inclusion TInclusion, bool TCheck = true>
integer LastIndexOfAny (const TString &needles, integer startIdx=MAX_LEN) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
integer IndexOf (const TString &needle, integer startIdx=0) const
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer IndexOfFirstDifference (const TString &needle, lang::Case sensitivity=lang::Case::Sensitive, integer idx=0) const
integer IndexOfSegmentEnd (TChar opener, TChar closer, integer idx) const
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer CountChar (TChar needle, integer startPos=0) const
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer CountChar (TChar needle, TChar omit, integer startPos) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
integer Count (const TString &needle, integer startPos=0) const
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
integer Count (const TString &needle, const TString &omit, integer startPos=0) const
Parsing Numbers



ALIB_API uint64_t ParseDecDigits (integer startIdx=0, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
ALIB_API int64_t ParseInt (integer startIdx=0, TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat=nullptr, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
int64_t ParseInt (TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
int64_t ParseInt (integer *newIdx) const
int64_t ParseInt (integer startIdx, integer *newIdx) const
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseDec (integer startIdx=0, TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat=nullptr, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
uint64_t ParseDec (TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
uint64_t ParseDec (integer *newIdx) const
uint64_t ParseDec (integer startIdx, integer *newIdx) const
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseBin (integer startIdx=0, TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat=nullptr, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
uint64_t ParseBin (TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
uint64_t ParseBin (integer *newIdx) const
uint64_t ParseBin (integer startIdx, integer *newIdx) const
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseHex (integer startIdx=0, TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat=nullptr, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
uint64_t ParseHex (TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
uint64_t ParseHex (integer *newIdx) const
uint64_t ParseHex (integer startIdx, integer *newIdx) const
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseOct (integer startIdx=0, TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat=nullptr, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
uint64_t ParseOct (TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
uint64_t ParseOct (integer *newIdx) const
uint64_t ParseOct (integer startIdx, integer *newIdx) const
ALIB_API double ParseFloat (integer startIdx=0, TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat=nullptr, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
double ParseFloat (TNumberFormat< TChar > *numberFormat, integer *newIdx=nullptr) const
double ParseFloat (integer *newIdx) const
double ParseFloat (integer startIdx, integer *newIdx) const



integer CopyTo (TChar *dest) const
Helper Methods



bool AdjustRegion (integer &regionStart, integer &regionLength) const

Type Definition Details:

◆ CharType

template<typename TChar >
using CharType = TChar

Expose template parameter TChar to the outer world.

Definition at line 77 of file string.hpp.

◆ ConstIterator

template<typename TChar >
using ConstIterator = TRandomAccessIterator<const TChar>

The constant iterator exposed by this character container. A Mutable version is found only in descendant classes (e.g. AString ).

Definition at line 2229 of file string.hpp.

◆ ConstReverseIterator

template<typename TChar >
using ConstReverseIterator = std::reverse_iterator<ConstIterator>

The constant reverse iterator exposed by this character container. A Mutable version is found only in descendant classes (e.g. AString ).

Definition at line 2233 of file string.hpp.

Field Details:

◆ buffer

template<typename TChar >
const TChar* buffer

Pointer to an array of constant character values. This array holds the string that an instance of this type is representing.
Read access to this field is granted with method Buffer.

For technical reasons, this documentation unfortunaltely omits the important fact that this field is part of an anonymous union declared like this:

     const TChar*   buffer;
           TChar*  vbuffer;

Hence, the field can also be interpreted as a pointer to an array of non-constant character values. Derived classes might use the sibling version vbuffer to modify the contents of the string if it is assured that such memory is writable. This is for example done extensively by the implementation of class AString .

It might not be considered pure/nice OO-design to prepare a feature of specialized classes in a non-abstract base class, as done here. But the alternative would have been to force derived classes to perform re-interpret casts or even worse tricks to rightfully access a writeable buffer.

Definition at line 129 of file string.hpp.

◆ length

template<typename TChar >
integer length

The length of the character string represented. Read access to this field is granted with method Length.

Definition at line 137 of file string.hpp.

Constructor(s) / Destructor Details::

◆ TString() [1/6]

template<typename TChar >
constexpr TString ( )

Defaulted default constructor

◆ TString() [2/6]

template<typename TChar >
constexpr TString ( const TString< TChar > & )

Defaulted copy constructor

◆ TString() [3/6]

template<typename TChar >
constexpr TString ( TString< TChar > && )

Defaulted move constructor

◆ TString() [4/6]

template<typename TChar >
constexpr TString ( const TChar * pBuffer,
integer pLength )

Constructor accepting a pointer to a character array and a string length.

pBufferPointer to the start of the character string to represent.
pLengthThe length of the character string to represent.

Definition at line 169 of file string.hpp.

◆ TString() [5/6]

template<typename TChar >
template<typename TCharArray >
constexpr TString ( const TCharArray & src)

This templated constructor accepts various different kinds of source data. Unlike this documentation suggests, this constructor is internally implemented by a series of different constructors which are selected using template meta programming (i.e. std::enable_if).

Together, the set of constructors provide maximum flexibility by allowing implicit construction with (and assignment of) any built-in or third-party character array type. Some of the constructors are defined using keyword explict.

See also
More information about string construction is provided with chapter 3.1 Construction of the Programmer's Manual of module ALib Strings .
Template Parameters
TCharArrayType that comprises a character array.
srcThe source object.

◆ TString() [6/6]

template<typename TChar >
TString ( ConstIterator & start,
ConstIterator & end )

Constructs this string using start and end iterators.

startAn iterator referencing the start of the string.
endAn iterator referencing the end of the string.

Definition at line 2276 of file string.hpp.

Method Details:

◆ AdjustRegion()

template<typename TChar >
bool AdjustRegion ( integer & regionStart,
integer & regionLength ) const

Adjusts a region given as in/out parameters, to fit to this object's range [0..length].

[in,out]regionStartThe proposed region start which might get adjusted to fit to range [0..length].
[in,out]regionLengthThe proposed region length which might get adjusted to fit to range [0..length].
Returns true, if the adjusted region is empty.

Definition at line 1994 of file string.hpp.

◆ begin()

template<typename TChar >
ConstIterator begin ( ) const

Returns an iterator pointing to a constant character at the start of this string.

The start of this string.

Definition at line 2238 of file string.hpp.

◆ Buffer()

template<typename TChar >
constexpr const TChar * Buffer ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the first character of the string we are representing.

The string is not guaranteed to be zero terminated.
The start of the character array comprising the string represented by this object.

Definition at line 350 of file string.hpp.

◆ cbegin()

template<typename TChar >
ConstIterator cbegin ( ) const

Returns an iterator pointing to a constant character at the start of this string.

The start of this string.

Definition at line 2242 of file string.hpp.

◆ cend()

template<typename TChar >
ConstIterator cend ( ) const

Returns an iterator pointing behind this string.

The end of this string.

Definition at line 2251 of file string.hpp.

◆ CharAt()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
TChar CharAt ( integer idx) const

Retrieves the character at the given index. A range check is performed. If this fails, '\0' is returned.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed.
idxThe index of the character to read.
The character at the given index, or '\0' if index out of range.

Definition at line 437 of file string.hpp.

◆ CharAtEnd()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
TChar CharAtEnd ( ) const

Retrieves the last character. In case of an empty string, '\0' is returned.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no check for an empty or nulled object is performed.
The last character of the String. If this instance's length is zero, '\0' is returned.

Definition at line 481 of file string.hpp.

◆ CharAtStart()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
TChar CharAtStart ( ) const

Retrieves the first character. In case of an empty or nulled string, '\0' is returned.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no check for an empty string object is performed.
The first character of the String. If this instance's length is zero, '\0' is returned.

Definition at line 459 of file string.hpp.

◆ CompareTo() [1/3]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
int CompareTo ( const TString< TChar > & rhs,
integer rhsRegionStart,
integer rhsRegionLength,
integer regionStart,
integer regionLength = MAX_LEN ) const

Compares a region of this object with a region of another string-like object.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no check for a nulled comparison object is performed and this string must not be empty. Furthermore, no check is performed whether the given regions fit to this object respectively the other region to the object given with parameter rhs . This also means that the default value of regionLength must not be used in this case.
TSensitivityDetermines if comparison is case sensitive (the default) or not.
rhsThe string to compare this string with.
rhsRegionStartThe start of the region in rhs to compare this object with.
rhsRegionLengthThe length of the region in rhs to compare this object with.
regionStartThe start of the region in this object to compare with
regionLengthThe length of the region in this object to compare with. Defaults to MAX_LEN .
  • 0 if this and rhs are nulled or if both have a length of 0 or if both share the same content
  • <0 if this is nulled and rhs is not or if this is smaller than rhs .
  • >0 if this is not nulled but rhs is or if this is greater than rhs .

Definition at line 724 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CompareTo() [2/3]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
int CompareTo ( const TString< TChar > & rhs,
integer rhsRegionStart,
integer rhsRegionLength = MAX_LEN ) const

Compares this string with a region of another string-like object.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no check for a nulled comparison object is performed and this string must not be empty. Furthermore, no check is performed whether the given region fits to parameter rhs . This also means that the default value must not be used with TCheck==<false>.
TSensitivityDetermines if comparison is case sensitive (the default) or not.
rhsThe string to compare this string with.
rhsRegionStartThe start of the region in rhs to compare this object with.
rhsRegionLengthThe length of the region in rhs to compare this object with. Defaults to MAX_LEN .
  • 0 if this and rhs are nulled or if both have a length of 0 or if both share the same content
  • <0 if this is nulled and rhs is not or if this is smaller than rhs .
  • >0 if this is not nulled but rhs is or if this is greater than rhs .

Definition at line 674 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CompareTo() [3/3]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
int CompareTo ( const TString< TChar > & rhs) const

Compares this string with a string-like object.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no check for a nulled object (this) is performed and this string must not be of zero length (while rhs might be of zero length).
TSensitivityDetermines if comparison is case sensitive (the default) or not.
rhsThe object to compare.
  • 0 if this and rhs are nulled or if both have a length of 0 or if both share the same content
  • <0 if this is nulled and rhs is not or if this is smaller than rhs .
  • >0 if this is not nulled but rhs is or if this is greater than rhs .

Definition at line 624 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ContainsAt()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
bool ContainsAt ( const TString< TChar > & needle,
integer pos ) const

Returns true, if the contents of the given string-like object is found at the given position.

The following rules apply:
  • If pos is out of range or needle is nulled, false is returned. (This check only done if TCheck equals true.)
  • Otherwise, if the length of needle is 0, true is returned.
Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If <false> is given, no check on parameter pos is performed and needle must not be nulled.
TSensitivityDetermines if comparison is case sensitive (the default) or not.
needleThe string to compare with. If it is empty, true is returned.
posThe position to search for needle.
true if needle is found at the given position. False otherwise.

Definition at line 770 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CopyTo()

template<typename TChar >
integer CopyTo ( TChar * dest) const

Copies this string's contents into a given character buffer. It is the caller's responsibility that dest is large enough, write-enabled, etc.

destThe destination buffer.
The length of this string.

Definition at line 1974 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Count() [1/2]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
integer Count ( const TString< TChar > & needle,
const TString< TChar > & omit,
integer startPos = 0 ) const

Counts all occurrences of needle , unless followed by omit , starting at startPos to the end of the string.

For empty strings needle , 0 is returned. Also, for empty strings omit , 0 is returned.

Template Parameters
TSensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case::Sensitive.
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, parameter startPos must be valid and needle must not be empty.
needleThe string to search for.
omitOmit occurrence if the given string follows.
startPosThe index to start the counting. Optional and defaults to 0.
The index of the first difference in needle .

Definition at line 1412 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Count() [2/2]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
integer Count ( const TString< TChar > & needle,
integer startPos = 0 ) const

Counts all occurrences of needle from startPos to the end of the string.

For empty strings needle , 0 is returned.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, parameter startIdx must be valid and needle must not be empty.
TSensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case::Sensitive.
needleThe string to search for.
startPosThe index to start the counting. Optional and defaults to 0.
The index of the first difference in needle .

Definition at line 1363 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ CountChar() [1/2]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer CountChar ( TChar needle,
integer startPos = 0 ) const

Counts all occurrences of character needle in the range from startPos to the end of the string.

For empty strings needle , 0 is returned.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed.
needleThe character to search for.
startPosThe index to start the counting. Optional and defaults to 0.
The index of the first difference in needle .

Definition at line 1270 of file string.hpp.

◆ CountChar() [2/2]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer CountChar ( TChar needle,
TChar omit,
integer startPos ) const

Counts all occurrences of character needle , unless followed by character omit in the range from startPos to the end of the string.

For empty strings needle , 0 is returned. Also, for empty strings omit , 0 is returned.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed.
needleThe character to search for.
omitOmit occurrence if the given character follows.
startPosThe index to start the counting.
The index of the first difference in needle .

Definition at line 1313 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ crbegin()

template<typename TChar >
ConstReverseIterator crbegin ( ) const

Returns a reverse iterator pointing to a constant character at the end of this string.

The last character of this string.

Definition at line 2264 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ crend()

template<typename TChar >
ConstReverseIterator crend ( ) const

Returns a reverse iterator pointing before the start of this string.

The character before this string.

Definition at line 2268 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ end()

template<typename TChar >

Returns an iterator pointing behind this string.

The end of this string.

Definition at line 2247 of file string.hpp.

◆ EndsWith()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
bool EndsWith ( const TString< TChar > & needle) const

Returns true, if this string ends with the string found in parameter needle . If needle is empty, true is returned.

Template Parameters
TSensitivityDetermines if comparison is case sensitive (the default) or not.
needleThe string to compare the end of this string with. If nulled or empty, true is returned.
true if needle is found at the end of this, false otherwise.

Definition at line 847 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Equals()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
bool Equals ( const TString< TChar > & rhs) const

Compares this string with a string-like object.

true is returned if this and the compared string are nulled or empty. If only one is nulled or empty, false is returned.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no check for a nulled is performed on this string as well as on rhs .
TSensitivityDetermines if comparison is case sensitive (the default) or not.
rhsThe object to compare.
true, if contents of this string and the string representation of the given rhs are equal.

Definition at line 573 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Hashcode()

template<typename TChar >
std::size_t Hashcode ( ) const

Computes a hash number for the contained string.

If this library is compiled using C++ 17, internally this method is using std::hash<std::string_view<TChar>>. Otherwise a compatible hash function is used.
See also
Alternative method HashcodeIgnoreCase.
A hash number which is equal for two instances with the same content.

◆ HashcodeIgnoreCase()

template<typename TChar >
std::size_t HashcodeIgnoreCase ( ) const

Computes a hash number for the contained string converted to upper case letters.

See also
Alternative method Hashcode.
A hash number which is equal for two instances with have the same content if converted to upper case letters.

◆ IndexOf() [1/3]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
integer IndexOf ( const TString< TChar > & needle,
integer startIdx = 0 ) const

Searches the given string-like object in this string.

If needle is empty, the adjusted value of startIdx is returned.

Template Parameters
TSensitivityCase sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case::Sensitive.
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, parameter needle must not be empty and startIdx must be in the range of [0 ... Length() - needle.Length()]. This also implies that this string must not be empty.
needleThe string to search for.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. Optional and defaults to 0.
If the checking of parameters failed or the string is not found, -1 is returned. Otherwise the index of the first occurrence of needle .

Definition at line 1169 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IndexOf() [2/3]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer IndexOf ( TChar needle,
integer regionStart,
integer regionLength ) const

Searches a character within a region of this.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed.
needleThe character to search for.
regionStartThe start of the region to search the character in.
regionLengthThe length of the region to search the character in.
-1 if the character needle is not found. Otherwise the index of its first occurrence.

Definition at line 927 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IndexOf() [3/3]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer IndexOf ( TChar needle,
integer startIdx = 0 ) const

Searches a character starting from a given position.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed.
needleThe character to search for.
startIdxThe index in this to start searching the character. Defaults to 0.
-1 if the character needle is not found. Otherwise the index of its first occurrence.

Definition at line 889 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IndexOfAny()

template<typename TChar >
template<lang::Inclusion TInclusion, bool TCheck = true>
integer IndexOfAny ( const TString< TChar > & needles,
integer startIdx = 0 ) const

Returns the index of the first character which is included, respectively not included in a set of characters given as a string-like object.

In derived class CString, a faster version of this method (using std::strpbrk() respectively std::strspn()) is available. So, if performance is important and repetitive calls are performed, it might be advisable to hold this string and the needles in a zero-terminated string buffer, for example in an AString.

This method searches forwards. For backwards search, see LastIndexOf.

Template Parameters
TInclusionDenotes whether the search returns the first index that holds a value that is included or that is not excluded in the set of needle characters.
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If <false> is given, no parameter checks are performed.
needlesPointer to a zero terminated set of characters to be taken into account.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. If the given value is less than 0, it is set to 0. If it exceeds the length of the string, the length of the string is returned. Defaults to 0.
The index of the first character found which is included, respectively not included, in the given set of characters. If nothing is found, -1 is returned.

Definition at line 1083 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IndexOfFirstDifference()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer IndexOfFirstDifference ( const TString< TChar > & needle,
lang::Case sensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive,
integer idx = 0 ) const

Searches the first difference of a sub-string of this string and a string-like object given with parameter needle . If no difference is found, then the index of the first character behind the sub-string is returned.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed.
needleThe sub-string to search for.
sensitivityLetter case sensitivity of the comparison. Optional and defaults to Case::Sensitive.
idxThe index in this string to start the comparison with needle . Optional and defaults to 0.
The index of the first difference found or idx plus the length of needle .

Definition at line 1207 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IndexOfOrLength() [1/2]

template<typename TChar >
integer IndexOfOrLength ( TChar needle) const

Like IndexOf but in case the character is not found, this method returns the length of this string instead of -1. Depending on the invocation context, the choice for the right version of this method may lead to shorter and more efficient code.

needleThe character to search for.
This string's Length if character needle is not found. Otherwise the index of first occurrence.

Definition at line 965 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IndexOfOrLength() [2/2]

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
integer startIdx ) const

Like IndexOf but in case the character is not found, this method returns the length of this string instead of -1. Depending on the invocation context, the choice for the right version of this method may lead to shorter and more efficient code.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed.
needleThe character to search for.
startIdxThe index in this to start searching the character.
This string's Length if character needle is not found. Otherwise the index of first occurrence.

Definition at line 989 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IndexOfSegmentEnd()

template<typename TChar >
integer IndexOfSegmentEnd ( TChar opener,
TChar closer,
integer idx ) const

The method searches the next matching closer -character while taking nested pairs of opener and closer characters into account.

Prior to the invocation of this method, the initial opener has to be known already and the given idx has to point to the first character behind the opener, where the search for an according closer is to be started.

This method is useful to scan a string for pairs of opening and closing brackets, while the found segment may contain nested pairs of the same brackets.

openerThe character that represents the opening bracket, e.g. '{'.
closerThe character that represents the closing bracket, e.g. '}'.
idxIndex pointing to first character behind the (first) opener .
The index of the corresponding closing character. If none was found, a negative value is returned. In the latter case the negated (absolute) value is indicating the number of still open (nested) brackets.

◆ indexOfString()

template<typename TChar >
template<lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
ALIB_API integer indexOfString ( const TString< TChar > & needle,
integer startIdx ) const

Implementation of the sub-string search function.

Template Parameters
TSensitivityThe letter case sensitivity of the search.
needleThe sub-string to search.
startIdxThe start index of the search.
The index of the first occurrence of needle , respectively -1 if not found.

◆ IsEmpty()

template<typename TChar >
constexpr bool IsEmpty ( ) const

Returns true if this string is of zero length. Note that a nulled string is also considered empty.

See also
Details on the concept of nulled and empty strings are documented in chapter 6.1.1 Nulled Vs. Empty Strings of this module's Programmer's Manual.
true if the actual length equals zero.

Definition at line 414 of file string.hpp.

◆ IsNotEmpty()

template<typename TChar >
constexpr bool IsNotEmpty ( ) const

Returns true if this string has a length of 1 or more.

true if the actual length does not equal zero.

Definition at line 420 of file string.hpp.

◆ IsNotNull()

template<typename TChar >
constexpr bool IsNotNull ( ) const

Returns true if field buffer does not equal nullptr, false otherwise.

The negated value of method IsNull.

Definition at line 402 of file string.hpp.

◆ IsNull()

template<typename TChar >
constexpr bool IsNull ( ) const

Returns true if field buffer equals nullptr, false otherwise. Note that a nulled string is also considered empty.

See also
Details on the concept of nulled and empty strings are documented in chapter 6.1.1 Nulled Vs. Empty Strings of this module's Programmer's Manual.
true if no buffer is allocated.

Definition at line 395 of file string.hpp.

◆ LastIndexOf()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
ALIB_WARNINGS_RESTORE integer LastIndexOf ( TChar needle,
integer startIndex = MAX_LEN ) const

Searches a character starting backwards from the end or a given start index.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed. Consequently, in this case, optional parameter startIndex must be provided.
needleThe character to search for.
startIndexThe index within this string to start searching the character. Defaults to MAX_LEN .
-1 if the character needle is not found. Otherwise the index of its last occurrence.

Definition at line 1027 of file string.hpp.

◆ LastIndexOfAny()

template<typename TChar >
template<lang::Inclusion TInclusion, bool TCheck = true>
integer LastIndexOfAny ( const TString< TChar > & needles,
integer startIdx = MAX_LEN ) const

Returns the index of the last character which is included, respectively not included in set of characters given as a string-like object.

This method searches backwards starting at the given index. For forwards search, see IndexOfAny.

Template Parameters
TInclusionDenotes whether the search returns the first index that holds a value that is included or that is not excluded in the set of needle characters.
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If <false> is given, no parameter checks are performed.
needlesPointer to a zero terminated set of characters to be searched for.
startIdxThe index to start the search at. The value is cropped to be in the bounds of 0 and the length of this object minus one. Defaults to MAX_LEN .
The index of the first character found which is included, respectively not included, in the given set of characters. If nothing is found, -1 is returned.

Definition at line 1130 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Length()

template<typename TChar >
constexpr integer Length ( ) const

Returns the length of the string that this object represents.

The length of the string represented by this object.

Definition at line 357 of file string.hpp.

◆ operator TCharArray() [1/2]

template<typename TChar >
template<typename TCharArray >
operator TCharArray ( ) const

Implicit cast operator to objects of templated type TCharArray .
This operator is available for all custom types that have an accordingly specialized version of TMP struct T_CharArray defined.

See also
More information about casting ALib string types to built-in C++ types or custom types is provided with chapter 3.2 Casting Strings To Other Types of the Programmer's Manual of module ALib Strings .
Template Parameters
TCharArrayThe custom type to implicitly convert this object to.
A value of custom string type.

Definition at line 213 of file string.hpp.

◆ operator TCharArray() [2/2]

template<typename TChar >
template<typename TCharArray >
operator TCharArray ( ) const

Explicit cast operator to objects of templated type TCharArray .
This operator is available for all custom types that have an accordingly specialized version of TMP struct T_CharArray defined.

See also
More information about casting ALib string types to built-in C++ types or custom types is provided with chapter 3.2 Casting Strings To Other Types of the Programmer's Manual of module ALib Strings .
Template Parameters
TCharArrayThe custom type to explicitly convert this object to.
A value of custom string type.

Definition at line 231 of file string.hpp.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename TChar >
TString & operator= ( const TString< TChar > & )

Defaulted copy assignment operator.

A reference to this instance.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename TChar >
TString & operator= ( TString< TChar > && )

Defaulted move assignment operator.

A reference to this instance.

◆ operator[]()

template<typename TChar >
TChar operator[] ( integer idx) const

Reads a character at a given index.

Unlike method CharAt, this operator does not perform do range check on parameter idx . The rationale for this is that derived mutable types (e.g. class AString), may provide a mutable (non-const) version of this operator, returning a a reference to the character to provide write access. Such reference to a character could not be given if the index was out of range. This way, a check in the derived type could likewise not be implemented.
As a result, this operator is equivalent to the non-checking version of method CharAt<false>. For safe access to characters in the buffer use CharAt (with template parameter TCheck being true) which returns '\0' in the case of that idx is out of bounds.
Still, in debug-compilations this operator raises an assertion if idx is out of bounds.
idxThe index of the character within this object's buffer.
If the character contained at index idx .

Definition at line 518 of file string.hpp.

◆ ParseBin() [1/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseBin ( integer * newIdx) const

Overloaded version of ParseBin providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1694 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseBin() [2/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseBin ( integer startIdx,
integer * newIdx ) const

Overloaded version of ParseBin providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1713 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseBin() [3/4]

template<typename TChar >
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseBin ( integer startIdx = 0,
TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat = nullptr,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer in binary format at the given position from this string.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to nullptr. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat::Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx , even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat . All number-parsing interface methods have a corresponding implementation within this class.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseBin() [4/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseBin ( TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Overloaded version of ParseBin providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1678 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseDec() [1/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseDec ( integer * newIdx) const

Overloaded version of ParseDec providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1612 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseDec() [2/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseDec ( integer startIdx,
integer * newIdx ) const

Overloaded version of ParseDec providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1631 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseDec() [3/4]

template<typename TChar >
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseDec ( integer startIdx = 0,
TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat = nullptr,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer in standard decimal format at the given position from this AString.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to nullptr. This denotes static singleton TNumberFormat::Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx , even if leading whitespaces had been read.

Sign literals '-' or '+' are not accepted and parsing will fail. For reading signed integral values, see methods ParseInt, for floating point numbers ParseFloat.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat . All number-parsing interface methods have a corresponding implementation within this class.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseDec() [4/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseDec ( TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Overloaded version of ParseDec providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1596 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseDecDigits()

template<typename TChar >
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseDecDigits ( integer startIdx = 0,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Parses an integral value consisting of characters '0' to '9' from this string.
Unlike with ParseInt or ParseDec, no sign, whitespaces or group characters are accepted.

startIdxThe start index from where the integral value is tried to be parsed. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the float number that was parsed. If parsing fails, it will be set to the value of parameter startIdx. Therefore, this parameter can be used to check if a value was found.
The parsed value. In addition, the parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind any found integer number.

◆ ParseFloat() [1/4]

template<typename TChar >
double ParseFloat ( integer * newIdx) const

Overloaded version of ParseFloat providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1939 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseFloat() [2/4]

template<typename TChar >
double ParseFloat ( integer startIdx,
integer * newIdx ) const

Overloaded version of ParseFloat providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1958 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseFloat() [3/4]

template<typename TChar >
ALIB_API double ParseFloat ( integer startIdx = 0,
TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat = nullptr,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Reads a floating point number at the given position from this string.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to nullptr. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat::Computational which is configured to 'international' settings (not using the locale) and therefore also not parsing grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx , even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat . All number-parsing interface methods have a corresponding implementation within this class.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseFloat() [4/4]

template<typename TChar >
double ParseFloat ( TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Overloaded version of ParseFloat providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1923 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseHex() [1/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseHex ( integer * newIdx) const

Overloaded version of ParseHex providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1776 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseHex() [2/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseHex ( integer startIdx,
integer * newIdx ) const

Overloaded version of ParseHex providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1795 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseHex() [3/4]

template<typename TChar >
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseHex ( integer startIdx = 0,
TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat = nullptr,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer in hexadecimal format at the given position from this string.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to nullptr. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat::Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx , even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat . All number-parsing interface methods have a corresponding implementation within this class.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseHex() [4/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseHex ( TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Overloaded version of ParseHex providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1760 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseInt() [1/4]

template<typename TChar >
int64_t ParseInt ( integer * newIdx) const

Overloaded version of ParseInt providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1527 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseInt() [2/4]

template<typename TChar >
int64_t ParseInt ( integer startIdx,
integer * newIdx ) const

Overloaded version of ParseInt providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1546 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseInt() [3/4]

template<typename TChar >
ALIB_API int64_t ParseInt ( integer startIdx = 0,
TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat = nullptr,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Parses an integral value in decimal, binary, hexadecimal or octal format from the string

Parameter numberFormat defaults to nullptr. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat::Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx , even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat . All of its interface methods have a corresponding implementation within class AString.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseInt() [4/4]

template<typename TChar >
int64_t ParseInt ( TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Overloaded version of ParseInt providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1511 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseOct() [1/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseOct ( integer * newIdx) const

Overloaded version of ParseOct providing default values for omitted parameters.

[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1858 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseOct() [2/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseOct ( integer startIdx,
integer * newIdx ) const

Overloaded version of ParseOct providing default values for omitted parameters.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1877 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ParseOct() [3/4]

template<typename TChar >
ALIB_API uint64_t ParseOct ( integer startIdx = 0,
TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat = nullptr,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Reads an unsigned 64-bit integer in octal format at the given position from this string.

Parameter numberFormat defaults to nullptr. This denotes static singleton NumberFormat::Computational which is configured to not using - and therefore also not parsing - grouping characters.

Optional output parameter newIdx may be used to detect if parsing was successful. If not, it receives the value of startIdx , even if leading whitespaces had been read.

For more information on number conversion, see class NumberFormat . All number-parsing interface methods have a corresponding implementation within this class.

startIdxThe start index for parsing. Optional and defaults to 0.
numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value startIdx .
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

◆ ParseOct() [4/4]

template<typename TChar >
uint64_t ParseOct ( TNumberFormat< TChar > * numberFormat,
integer * newIdx = nullptr ) const

Overloaded version of ParseOct providing default values for omitted parameters.

numberFormatThe format definition. Defaults to nullptr.
[out]newIdxOptional output variable that will point to the first character in this string after the number parsed. On failure, it will be set to the initial value 0.
The parsed value. In addition, the output parameter newIdx is set to point to the first character behind the parsed number.

Definition at line 1842 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rbegin()

template<typename TChar >
ALIB_WARNINGS_RESTORE ConstReverseIterator rbegin ( ) const

Returns a reverse iterator pointing to a constant character at the end of this string.

The last character of this string.

Definition at line 2256 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rend()

template<typename TChar >
ConstReverseIterator rend ( ) const

Returns a reverse iterator pointing before the start of this string.

The character before this string.

Definition at line 2260 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ StartsWith()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true, lang::Case TSensitivity = lang::Case::Sensitive>
bool StartsWith ( const TString< TChar > & needle) const

Returns true, if this string starts with the contents of the string-like object given with parameter needle . In the special case that needle is empty, true is returned.

Template Parameters
TSensitivityDetermines if comparison is case sensitive (the default) or not.
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If <false> is given, the given needle must not be empty and must not be longer than this string! pos is performed and needle must not be nulled.
needleThe string to compare the start of this string with. If nulled or empty, true is returned.
true if needle is found at the start of this string, false otherwise.

Definition at line 813 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Substring()

template<typename TChar >
template<bool TCheck = true>
TString< TChar > Substring ( integer regionStart,
integer regionLength = MAX_LEN ) const

Returns a new string object representing a sub-string of the string that this object represents.

Template Parameters
TCheckDefaults to true which is the normal invocation mode. If false is given, no range check is performed.
regionStartThe start of the sub-string within this string.
regionLengthThe length of the sub-string to return. Defaults to MAX_LEN .
A string representing a region of this string.

Definition at line 314 of file string.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ WStringLength()

template<typename TChar >
integer WStringLength ( ) const

Returns the length of the string if represented as a wide character string. If template parameter TChar equals wchar, then this is identical with Length. Otherwise the calculation is done using

  • mbsnrtowcs() (without providing a conversion buffer) on glibc platforms (e.g. Linux)
  • MultiByteToWideChar() (without providing a conversion buffer) on the Windows platform.

If the conversion fails, -1 is returned.

On GNU/Linux and Mac OS, it might be necessary to invoke standard C method setlocale() once, prior to using this method, to successfully calculate the length. This by default is done during library initialization, if performed on class BaseCamp .
The length of string when it was converted to wide characters. If counting failed (what means that a corresponding conversion would also fail) the Length is returned.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: