ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2402 R1
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FileExpressions Class Reference


This class implements an ALib Expression Compiler Plugin and thus enables "run-time expressions" to work with nodes of FTree

Unless multi-threaded use is planned, an application should create one singleton of this class.

Method CreateFilter creates an object of inner type FileExpressions::Filter , which implements the FFilter interface used with scan parameters of function ScanFiles . This allows run-time evaluation of filter rules, for example rules coming from the command line, from configuration files or from interactive end-user input (hence from an UX/UI).

Of-course the expression compiler can also be used directly without using the inner Filter class for evaluation and expressions do not need return a boolean "yes/no" result.

See also
For a quick tutorial, see the Programmer's Manual.

Implemented Expression Features

Compiler plug-in that provides expressions on filesystem entries, stored in nodes of class FTree .

All identifier and function names are defined case insensitive. Furthermore, the tokens are not hard-coded but resourced with ALib Camp singleton alib::FILES. With that, for example language translations might be performed.


This plug-in introduces the following types to the expression compiler:

Each types are auto-casted to Integer to allow all common operators, especially bitwise boolean operators.


Type Name Min. Abbreviation Description
Permissions OwnerRead ore Used test result of function Permission .
Permissions OwnerWrite ow Used test result of function Permission .
Permissions OwnerExecute oe Used test result of function Permission .
Permissions GroupRead gr Used test result of function Permission .
Permissions GroupWrite gw Used test result of function Permission .
Permissions GroupExecute ge Used test result of function Permission .
Permissions OthersRead otr Used test result of function Permission .
Permissions OthersWrite otw Used test result of function Permission .
Permissions OthersExecute ote Used test result of function Permission .
Types Directory dir Used to compare the result of function Type .
Types SymbolicLinkDir sld Used to compare the result of function Type .
Types Regular reg Used to compare the result of function Type .
Types SymbolicLink sl Used to compare the result of function Type .
Types Block block Used to compare the result of function Type .
Types Character character Used to compare the result of function Type .
Types Fifo fifo Used to compare the result of function Type .
Types Socket socket Used to compare the result of function Type .

Constant Constructor Functions:

Return Type Name Min. Abbreviation Signature Description
Integer KiloBytes KB int Returns the given number multiplied with 2^10.
Integer MegaBytes MB int Returns the given number multiplied with 2^20.
Integer GigaBytes GB int Returns the given number multiplied with 2^30.
Integer TeraBytes TB int Returns the given number multiplied with 2^40.
Integer PetaBytes PB int Returns the given number multiplied with 2^50.
Integer ExaBytes EB int Returns the given number multiplied with 2^60.


Return Type Name Min. Abbreviation Signature Description
String Name name ./. Returns the file name.
Types Type ty ./. Returns the result of Type .
Boolean IsDirectory isdir ./. Returns the result of IsDirectory .
Boolean IsSymbolicLink issl ./. Returns the result of IsSymbolicLink .
Integer Size size ./. Returns the result of Size .
DateTime Time time ./. Returns the result of MTime .
DateTime MTime mt ./. Returns the result of MTime .
DateTime CTime ct ./. Returns the result of CTime .
DateTime ATime at ./. Returns the result of ATime .
Permissions Permissions perm ./. Returns the result of Permissions .
TOwnerAndGroupID Owner owner ./. Returns the result of Owner .
TOwnerAndGroupID Group group ./. Returns the result of Group .
TOwnerAndGroupID UserID uid ./. Returns the current user's ID (calls posix getuid()).
TOwnerAndGroupID GroupID gid ./. Returns the current user's group ID (calls posix getgid()).

Definition at line 122 of file fileexpressions.hpp.

#include <fileexpressions.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for FileExpressions:

Inner Type Index:

struct  FexScope
class  Filter
struct  Plugin

Public Field Index:

Compiler compiler
 The expression compiler.
Plugin plugin
 The file expression Plugin.

Public Method Index:

ALIB_API FileExpressions ()
ALIB_API SPFileFilter CreateFilter (const String &expressionString)

Field Details:

◆ compiler

Compiler compiler

The expression compiler.

Definition at line 194 of file fileexpressions.hpp.

◆ plugin

Plugin plugin

The file expression Plugin.

Definition at line 195 of file fileexpressions.hpp.

Constructor(s) / Destructor Details::

◆ FileExpressions()

Default constructor.

Definition at line 209 of file fileexpressions.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Method Details:

◆ CreateFilter()

SPFileFilter CreateFilter ( const String & expressionString)

Creates a file filter using the expression compiler of this instance.

expressionStringThe expression string to filter files and directories.
A shared pointer to the dynamically allocated filter object.

Definition at line 217 of file fileexpressions.cpp.

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