ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2402 R1
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ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues > Class Template Reference


template<typename T, bool TStackedThreadValues>
class alib::lox::detail::ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >

This class is responsible for scope-related functionality of class Lox.

This is a pure internal helper class. Documentation may be limited.
Template Parameters
TThe stored object type.
TStackedThreadValuesIf true, values stored for thread scopes will be always replaced instead of appended. This is for example false for Log Data and Log Once and true for Scope Domains and Prefix Logables.

Definition at line 135 of file scopestore.inl.

Collaboration diagram for ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >:

Inner Type Index:

struct  BoolThreadIDHash

Public Type Index:

using LanguageStoreT = monomem::StringTree<T, StringTreeNamesMonoAlloc<character>>
using ThreadMapKey = std::pair<bool,threads::ThreadID>
using ThreadMapValueT

Public Field Index:

LanguageStoreT languageStore
HashMap< ThreadMapKey, ThreadMapValueT, BoolThreadIDHashthreadStore

Public Method Index:

ALIB_API ScopeStore (ScopeInfo &scopeInfo, monomem::MonoAllocator *monoAllocator)
ALIB_API ~ScopeStore ()
Get ()
ALIB_API void InitAccess (Scope scope, int pathLevel, threads::ThreadID threadID)
ALIB_API void InitWalk (Scope startScope, const T localObject)
Remove (T value)
ALIB_API void Reset ()
Store (T value)
Walk ()

Type Definition Details:

◆ LanguageStoreT

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
using LanguageStoreT = monomem::StringTree<T, StringTreeNamesMonoAlloc<character>>

Alias name for the string tree template used for storing language-related data. The language store uses a StringTree with a monotonic allocator. This does not lead to memory leaks, because during the life-time of a Lox objects are only added, but never deleted. If a value is unset, the node is not deleted but set to a nulled value. This makes the language store very memory efficient (and fast).

Definition at line 149 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ ThreadMapKey

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
using ThreadMapKey = std::pair<bool,threads::ThreadID>

Key type for the thread store.

Definition at line 168 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ ThreadMapValueT

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
using ThreadMapValueT
Initial value:
std::vector<T ALIB_COMMA StdContMA<T>>,
T )
#define ATMP_IF_T_F( Cond, T, F)
Definition tmp.hpp:54
#define ALIB_COMMA
Definition alib.hpp:825

The type of object stored for the thread values. This depends on whether multiple (a stack of) values can be stored, which is not true for log data and log once, as those operate with hash maps.

Definition at line 156 of file scopestore.inl.

Field Details:

◆ actPathLevel

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
int actPathLevel

The path level when using access methods.

Definition at line 214 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ actScope

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
Scope actScope

The actual scope of a walk.

Definition at line 208 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ actStringTreeNode

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
LanguageStoreT::Cursor actStringTreeNode

The actual language related scope's map node.

Definition at line 211 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ actThreadID

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
threads::ThreadID actThreadID

Actual thread ID

Definition at line 218 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ globalStore

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
T globalStore

The value of the global scope.

Definition at line 161 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ languageStore

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
LanguageStoreT languageStore

StringTree to store data for language-related scopes (path,source,method).

Definition at line 164 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ lazyLanguageNode

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
bool lazyLanguageNode

Flag used to lazily create the key to language-related scope values.

Definition at line 202 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ scopeInfo

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
ScopeInfo& scopeInfo

ScopeInfo of 'our' lox.

Definition at line 199 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ threadStore

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
HashMap<ThreadMapKey, ThreadMapValueT, BoolThreadIDHash > threadStore

The inner/outer thread map of values. The boolean value of the key is true for the inner store and false for the outer.

Definition at line 189 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ walking

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
bool walking

Indicates if currently a scope walk is active.

Definition at line 205 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ walkLocalObject

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
T walkLocalObject

The 'local object' returned by a walk after Scope::ThreadInner and before Scope::Method.

Definition at line 222 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ walkNextThreadIdx

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
int walkNextThreadIdx

The next value of a walk during Scope::ThreadInner/Outer.

Definition at line 225 of file scopestore.inl.

◆ walkThreadValues

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
ThreadMapValueT* walkThreadValues

The list of values of Scope::ThreadOuter/Inner during a walk.

Definition at line 228 of file scopestore.inl.

Constructor(s) / Destructor Details::

◆ ScopeStore()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
ScopeStore ( ScopeInfo & scopeInfo,
monomem::MonoAllocator * monoAllocator )


scopeInfoThe ScopeInfo singleton of 'our' Lox.
monoAllocatorThe monotonic allocator used for the StringTree needed by member languageStore.

Definition at line 42 of file scopestore.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~ScopeStore()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
~ScopeStore ( )


Definition at line 53 of file scopestore.cpp.

Method Details:

◆ access()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
T access ( int cmd,
T value )

Receives, inserts or removes a value.

cmd0= insert, 1= remove, 2= get.
valueThe new value or the one to be removed.
Returns the previous value stored.

Definition at line 345 of file scopestore.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Get()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
T Get ( )

Retrieves the value.

Returns the current value stored.

Definition at line 302 of file scopestore.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ InitAccess()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
void InitAccess ( Scope scope,
int pathLevel,
threads::ThreadID threadID )

Initializes access methods Store, Get and Remove and has to be invoked prior to using them

scopeScope to use.
pathLevelUsed only if parameter scope equals Scope::Path to reference parent directories. Optional and defaults to 0.
threadIDID of the associated thread (for thread-related scopes only). If threads::UNDEFINED is given, the ID provided in scopeInfo is used.

Definition at line 518 of file scopestore.cpp.

◆ initCursor()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
void initCursor ( bool create)

Retrieves and optionally creates an entry in the map that stores language-related scope information. The result is stored in field actStringTreeNode.

createIf true, a non-existing entry is created.

Definition at line 463 of file scopestore.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ InitWalk()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
void InitWalk ( Scope startScope,
const T localObject )

Initializes a scope 'walk' by storing the given scope information and setting fields of our walk 'state-machine' to proper start values.

startScopeThe Scope to start searching for.
localObjectThe 'local object' returned by a walk after Scope::ThreadInner and before Scope::Method

Definition at line 73 of file scopestore.cpp.

◆ Remove()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
T Remove ( T value)

Removes a value.

valueThe value to remove (must only be given for thread-related Scopes).
Returns the previous value stored.

Definition at line 293 of file scopestore.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Reset()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
void Reset ( )

Deletes all data stored and resets containers as the monotonic allocator will be reset after an invocation to this method as well.

This method is used only with Lox::Reset , which is only provided to reset a lox in the unit-tests.

Definition at line 64 of file scopestore.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Store()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
T Store ( T value)

Stores a new value.

valueThe value to set.
Returns the previous value stored.

Definition at line 281 of file scopestore.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Walk()

template<typename T , bool TStackedThreadValues>
T Walk ( )

Searches next value in the actual scope. While not found, moves walk state to next outer state and continues there.

The next object found in the current or any next outer scope.

Definition at line 323 of file scopestore.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:

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