ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2402 R1
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TTokenizer< TChar > Class Template Reference


template<typename TChar>
class alib::strings::util::TTokenizer< TChar >

This class operates on strings which contains data separated by a delimiter character. It identifies the sub-strings between the delimiters as tokens of type Substring . After an instance of this class is constructed, three methods are available:

  • HasNext: Indicates if there are further tokens available.
  • Next: Sets field Actual (which is of type Substring) to reference the next token and returns it.
    With each call to Next, a different delimiter can be provided, which then serves as the delimiter for this and subsequent tokens.
    The returned token by default will be trimmed according to the current trimable characters.
  • Rest: Like Next, however returns the complete remaining region without searching for further delimiters (and tokens).
    After this method was invoked, HasNext() will return false.

After a token was retrieved, it might be modified using the interface of class Substring as the tokenizer does not rely on the bounds of the current token when receiving the next. Furthermore, even field Rest is allowed to be changed using the interface of Substring if it seems appropriate. The effect is the same as if method Set was invoked to apply a different source string.

Objects of this class can be reused by freshly initializing them using method Set.

Sample code:
The following code sample shows how to tokenize a string:

// data string to tokenize
String data= A_CHAR("test; abc ; 1,2 , 3 ; xyz ; including;separator");
// create tokenizer on data with ';' as delimiter
Tokenizer tknzr( data, ';' );
// read tokens
cout << tknzr.Next() << endl; // will print "test"
cout << tknzr.Next() << endl; // will print "abc"
cout << tknzr.Next() << endl; // will print "1,2 , 3"
// tokenize actual (third) token (nested tokenizer)
Tokenizer subTknzr( tknzr.Actual, ',');
cout << subTknzr.Next();
while( subTknzr.HasNext() )
cout << '~' << subTknzr.Next();
cout << endl;
// continue with the main tokenizer
cout << tknzr.Next() << endl; // will print "xyz"
// grab the rest, as we know that the last token might include our separator character
cout << tknzr.GetRest() << endl; // will print "including;separator"

The output will be:

1,2 , 3
Template Parameters
TCharThe character type. Implementations for nchar and wchar are provided with type definitions alib::TokenizerN and alib::TokenizerW.

Definition at line 66 of file tokenizer.hpp.

#include <tokenizer.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for TTokenizer< TChar >:

Public Field Index:

TSubstring< TChar > Actual
TSubstring< TChar > Rest
TLocalString< TChar, 8 > TrimChars

Public Method Index:

 TTokenizer ()
 TTokenizer (const TString< TChar > &src, TChar delimiter, bool skipEmptyTokens=false)
TSubstring< TChar > & GetRest (lang::Whitespaces trimming=lang::Whitespaces::Trim)
bool HasNext ()
ALIB_API TSubstring< TChar > & Next (lang::Whitespaces trimming=lang::Whitespaces::Trim, TChar newDelim='\0')
void Set (const TString< TChar > &src, TChar delimiter, bool skipEmptyTokens=false)

Field Details:

◆ Actual

template<typename TChar >
TSubstring<TChar> Actual

The actual token, which is returned with every invocation of Next() or Rest(). It is allowed to manipulate this field any time.

Definition at line 84 of file tokenizer.hpp.

◆ delim

template<typename TChar >
TChar delim

The most recently set delimiter used by default for the next token extraction.

Definition at line 98 of file tokenizer.hpp.

◆ Rest

template<typename TChar >
TSubstring<TChar> Rest

A Substring that represents the part of the underlying data that has not been tokenized, yet. It is allowed to manipulate this public field, which has a similar effect as using method Set.

Definition at line 78 of file tokenizer.hpp.

◆ skipEmpty

template<typename TChar >
bool skipEmpty

If true, empty tokens are omitted.

Definition at line 101 of file tokenizer.hpp.

◆ TrimChars

template<typename TChar >
TLocalString<TChar, 8> TrimChars

The white spaces characters used to trim the tokens. Defaults to alib::DefaultWhitespaces

Definition at line 90 of file tokenizer.hpp.

Constructor(s) / Destructor Details::

◆ TTokenizer() [1/2]

template<typename TChar >
TTokenizer ( )

Constructs an empty tokenizer. To initialize, method Set needs to be invoked.

Definition at line 111 of file tokenizer.hpp.

◆ TTokenizer() [2/2]

template<typename TChar >
TTokenizer ( const TString< TChar > & src,
TChar delimiter,
bool skipEmptyTokens = false )

Constructs a tokenizer to work on a given string.

srcThe string to be tokenized.
delimiterThe delimiter that separates the tokens. Can be changed with every next token.
skipEmptyTokensIf true, empty tokens are omitted. Optional and defaults to false.

Definition at line 123 of file tokenizer.hpp.

Method Details:

◆ GetRest()

template<typename TChar >
TSubstring< TChar > & GetRest ( lang::Whitespaces trimming = lang::Whitespaces::Trim)

Returns the currently remaining string (without searching for further delimiter characters). After this call HasNext will return false and Next will return a nulled Substring.

trimmingDetermines if the token is trimmed in respect to the white space characters defined in field TrimChars. Defaults to Whitespaces.Trim.
The rest of the original source string, which was not returned by Next(), yet.

Definition at line 184 of file tokenizer.hpp.

◆ HasNext()

template<typename TChar >
bool HasNext ( )

If this returns true, a call to Next will be successful and will return a Substring which is not nulled.

true if a next token is available.

Definition at line 199 of file tokenizer.hpp.

◆ Next()

template<typename TChar >
template ALIB_API TSubstring< wchar > & Next ( lang::Whitespaces trimming = lang::Whitespaces::Trim,
TChar newDelim = '\0' )

Returns the next token, which is afterwards also available through field Actual. If no further token was available, the returned Substring will be nulled. (see String::IsNull ). To prevent this, the availability of a next token should be checked using method HasNext().

For clarification, see the explanation and sample code in this classes documentation.

trimmingDetermines if the token is trimmed in respect to the white space characters defined in field TrimChars. Defaults to Whitespaces.Trim.
newDelimThe delimiter separates the tokens. Defaults to 0, which keeps the current delimiter intact. A new delimiter can be provided for every next token.
true if a next token was available, false if not.

Definition at line 18 of file tokenizer.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ Set()

template<typename TChar >
void Set ( const TString< TChar > & src,
TChar delimiter,
bool skipEmptyTokens = false )

Resets a tokenizer to work on a given string.

srcThe string to be tokenized
delimiterThe delimiter that separates the tokens. Can be changed with every next token.
skipEmptyTokensIf true, empty tokens are omitted. Optional and defaults to false.

Definition at line 144 of file tokenizer.hpp.

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