68 * DateTime |\b DateTime | times |int,...| Returns a time stamp representing the calendar date in local time zone, respecting daylight saving. The first parameter is required and provides the \p{year}. Further parameters are optional and provide \p{month} (defaults to \c 1), \p{dayOfMonth} (defaults to \c 1), \p{hour} (defaults to \c 0), \p{minute} (defaults to \c 0) and \p{millisecond} (defaults to \c 0).
69 * DateTime |\b UtcDateTime | utcti |int,...| Returns a time stamp representing the calendar date in UTC time, not respecting daylight saving. The first parameter is required and provides the \p{year}. Further parameters are optional and provide \p{month} (defaults to \c 1), \p{dayOfMonth} (defaults to \c 1), \p{hour} (defaults to \c 0), \p{minute} (defaults to \c 0) and \p{millisecond} (defaults to \c 0).
70 * Duration |\b NanoSecondS | ns |int | Returns a time span object representing the given number of nanoseconds.
71 * Duration |\b MicroSecondS | mics |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of microseconds.
72 * Duration |\b MicroSecondS | mics |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of microseconds.
73 * Duration |\b MillisecondS | ms |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of milliseconds.
74 * Duration |\b MillisecondS | ms |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of milliseconds.
75 * Duration |\b SecondS | sec |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of seconds.
76 * Duration |\b SecondS | sec |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of seconds.
77 * Duration |\b MinuteS | min |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of minutes.
78 * Duration |\b MinuteS | min |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of minutes.
79 * Duration |\b Hours | hour |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of hours.
80 * Duration |\b Hours | hour |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of hours.
81 * Duration |\b Days | day |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of days.
82 * Duration |\b Days | day |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of days.
83 * Duration |\b Weeks | wee |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of weeks.
84 * Duration |\b Weeks | wee |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of weeks.
85 * Duration |\b Months | mon |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of months (30 days).
86 * Duration |\b Months | mon |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of months (30 days).
87 * Duration |\b Years | year |int | Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of years (365 days).
88 * Duration |\b Years | year |double | Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of years (365 days).
89 *
90 * <br>
91 * <b>Functions:</b><br>
92 *
93 * Return Type | Name | Min. Abbreviation| Signature | Description |
95 * DateTime | \b Now |now | ./. | Returns the actual point in time.
96 * DateTime | \b Today |today | ./. | Returns the point in time that represents the current date local date at midnight, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
97 * DateTime | \b UtcToday |utoday | ./. | Returns the point in time that represents the current date local date at midnight, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
98 * Duration | \b Age |age | DateTime | Returns the time span between the actual point in time and the given time stamp.
99 * Boolean | \b IsOlderThan |isot | DateTime ,Duration| Returns \c true if the time span between the actual point in time and the given point in time is greater than the given duration.
100 * Integer | \b GetYear |gy | DateTime | Returns the calendar year of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
101 * Integer | \b GetMonth |gmon | DateTime | Returns the calendar month of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
102 * Integer | \b GetDay |gd | DateTime | Returns the calendar day of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
103 * Integer | \b GetDayOfWeek |gdow | DateTime | Returns the calendar dayOfWeek of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
104 * Integer | \b GetHour |gh | DateTime | Returns the calendar hour of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
105 * Integer | \b GetMinute |gmin | DateTime | Returns the calendar Minute of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
106 * Integer | \b GetMilliSecond |gms | DateTime | Returns the calendar millisecond of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
107 * Integer | \b GetUtcYear |guy | DateTime | Returns the calendar year of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
108 * Integer | \b GetUtcMonth |gumon | DateTime | Returns the calendar month of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
109 * Integer | \b GetUtcDay |gud | DateTime | Returns the calendar day of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
110 * Integer | \b GetUtcDayOfWeek |gudow | DateTime | Returns the calendar dayOfWeek of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
111 * Integer | \b GetUtcHour |guh | DateTime | Returns the calendar hour of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
112 * Integer | \b GetUtcMinute |gumin | DateTime | Returns the calendar minute of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
113 * Integer | \b GetUtcMillisecond|gums | DateTime | Returns the calendar millisecond of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
114 * Float | \b InDayS |ind | Duration | Returns the time span given in days.
115 * Float | \b InHourS |inh | Duration | Returns the time span given in hours.
116 * Float | \b InMinuteS |inmin | Duration | Returns the time span given in minutes.
117 * Float | \b InSecondS |ins | Duration | Returns the time span given in seconds.
118 * Float | \b InMilliSecondS |inms | Duration | Returns the time span given in milliseconds.
119 * Float | \b InMicroSecondS |inmics | Duration | Returns the time span given in microseconds.
120 * Float | \b InNanoSecondS |inns | Duration | Returns the time span given in nanoseconds.
121 * Float | \b InHertZ |inhz | Duration | Returns the time span given in hertz (1/second).
122 *
123 * <br>
124 * <b>Binary Operators:</b><br>
125 *
126 * Return Type | Lhs Type | Operator | Rhs Type | Description|