ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2402 R1
Documentation generated by doxygen
No Matches
Compiler Class Reference


This is a central class of library module ALib Expressions used to compile expression strings.

For information about general use and features of this class consult the ALib Expressions User Manual.


class Expression

Definition at line 89 of file compiler.hpp.

#include <compiler.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Compiler:
Collaboration diagram for Compiler:

Public Type Index:

enum class  BuiltInPlugins {
  NONE = 0 , ALL = -1 , ElvisOperator = (1 << 1) , AutoCast = (1 << 2) ,
  Arithmetics = (1 << 3) , Math = (1 << 4) , Strings = (1 << 5) , ALIB_IF_CAMP
using Plugins = std::vector<lang::PluginContainer<CompilerPlugin, CompilePriorities>::Slot>
- Public Type Index: inherited from PluginContainer< CompilerPlugin, CompilePriorities >
using TPlugin
using TPriorities

Public Field Index:

HashMap< String, String, alib::hash_string_ignore_case< character >, alib::equal_to_string_ignore_case< character > > AlphabeticBinaryOperatorAliases
HashMap< String, String, alib::hash_string_ignore_case< character >, alib::equal_to_string_ignore_case< character > > AlphabeticUnaryOperatorAliases
HashMap< String, int > BinaryOperators
BuiltInPlugins CfgBuiltInPlugins = BuiltInPlugins::ALL
Compilation CfgCompilation = Compilation::DEFAULT
SPFormatter CfgFormatter
strings::util::Token CfgNestedExpressionFunction
String CfgNestedExpressionOperator = A_CHAR("*")
String CfgNestedExpressionThrowIdentifier
Normalization CfgNormalization = Normalization::DEFAULT
std::vector< AStringCfgNormalizationDisallowed
ExpressionRepositoryRepository = nullptr
List< StringUnaryOperators

Public Method Index:

ALIB_API Compiler ()
virtual ALIB_API ~Compiler ()
void AddBinaryOperator (const String &symbol, int precedence)
virtual ALIB_API bool AddNamed (const String &name, const String &expressionString)
ALIB_API void AddType (Type sample, const NString &name)
void AddUnaryOperator (const String &symbol)
virtual ALIB_API SPExpression Compile (const String &expressionString)
int GetBinaryOperatorPrecedence (const String &symbol)
virtual ALIB_API SPExpression GetNamed (const String &name)
bool RemoveNamed (const String &name)
ALIB_API void SetupDefaults ()
ALIB_API NString TypeName (Type box)
ALIB_API void WriteFunctionSignature (ArgIterator begin, ArgIterator end, AString &target)
ALIB_API void WriteFunctionSignature (Box **boxArray, size_t qty, AString &target)
- Public Method Index: inherited from PluginContainer< CompilerPlugin, CompilePriorities >
 ~PluginContainer ()
integer CountPlugins ()
TPluginGetPlugin (integer number)
TPluginGetPlugin (TPriorities priority)
TPluginType * GetPluginTypeSafe ()
TPluginType * GetPluginTypeSafe (TPriorities priority)
bool HasPlugins ()
void InsertPlugin (TPlugin *plugin, TPriorities priority, lang::Responsibility responsibility=lang::Responsibility::KeepWithSender)
void RemovePlugin (integer idx)
bool RemovePlugin (TPlugin *plugIn)
TPluginRemovePlugin (TPriorities priority)

Type Definition Details:

◆ Plugins

Alias shortcut to the type of the plug-in vector inherited from PluginContainer.

Definition at line 99 of file compiler.hpp.

Enumeration Details:

◆ BuiltInPlugins

enum class BuiltInPlugins

Bitwise enum class that lists the plug-ins built-into ALib expression library. This bitfield is used with method SetupDefaults, which reads the flags set in CfgBuiltInPlugins and installs the plug-ins accordingly.


Installs no plug-in.


Installs all plug-ins.


Installs plugins::ElvisOperator .


Installs plugins::AutoCast .


Installs plugins::Arithmetics .


Installs plugins::Math .


Installs plugins::Strings .


Installs plugins::DateAndTime . )

Definition at line 247 of file compiler.hpp.

Field Details:

◆ allocator

MonoAllocator allocator

Memory for used for permanent allocations during the set-up phase. Later it is also used for temporary allocations during compilation and reset to its state after setup.

Definition at line 108 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ AlphabeticBinaryOperatorAliases

HashMap<String, String, alib::hash_string_ignore_case<character>, alib::equal_to_string_ignore_case<character> > AlphabeticBinaryOperatorAliases

This public map allows to define alias names for binary operators. Such names must consist only of alphabetic characters.

Flag Compilation::DefaultAlphabeticOperatorAliases controls if method SetupDefaults adds the aliases defined with resourced data records of enumeration DefaultAlphabeticBinaryOperatorAliases to this map.

Definition at line 166 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ AlphabeticUnaryOperatorAliases

HashMap<String, String, alib::hash_string_ignore_case<character>, alib::equal_to_string_ignore_case<character> > AlphabeticUnaryOperatorAliases

This public map allows to define alias names for unary operators. Such names must consist only of alphabetic characters.

Flag Compilation::DefaultAlphabeticOperatorAliases controls if method SetupDefaults adds the aliases defined with resourced data records of enumeration DefaultAlphabeticUnaryOperatorAliases to this map.

Definition at line 154 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ BinaryOperators

HashMap<String, int> BinaryOperators

The list of binary operators. The map stores the precedences.

To define a new binary operator, entry may be added prior to invoking SetupDefaults using method AddBinaryOperator.

Flag Compilation::DefaultUnaryOperators controls if method SetupDefaults adds operators resourced with enumeration DefaultBinaryOperators .

Definition at line 197 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ CfgBuiltInPlugins

BuiltInPlugins CfgBuiltInPlugins = BuiltInPlugins::ALL

Bitfield that defines the built-in compiler plug-ins that are created and inserted by method SetupDefaults.

Defaults to BuiltInPlugins::ALL

The built-in plug-ins are allowed to be shared by different compiler instances. To reach that, they must not be disabled here (or method SetupDefaults must be omitted) and instead created once and registered with the compiler using inherited method lang::PluginContainer::InsertPlugin . In that case, parameter responsibility of that method has to be provided as Responsibility::KeepWithSender.

Definition at line 275 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ CfgCompilation

Compilation flags.

Definition at line 317 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ CfgFormatter

SPFormatter CfgFormatter

Formatter used throughout all phases of the life-cycle of an expression:

  • Used for parsing expression strings (Using the encapsulated NumberFormat object. This is also the reason, why the type of formatter is Formatter and not its more abstract base % Formatter.)
  • Used for the generation of the normalized expression strings.
  • Used for the generation of constant string objects during compilation.
  • Used for the generation of string objects during evaluation.

For the latter two, a copy of the pointer is provided through field Scope::Formatter . It is important not to change the formatting parameters in between the creation of the compile-time scope and the creation of the evaluation-time scope. If done, the expression results could differ when optimizations during compilation are performed.

In the constructor of this class, a clone of the ALib default formatter is set here.

Definition at line 366 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ CfgNestedExpressionFunction

strings::util::Token CfgNestedExpressionFunction

Name descriptor for nested expression function. Defaults to "Expression" with minimum abbreviation of 4 characters, ignoring letter case.
Resourced with key "EF"

See also
Manual chapter 10. Nested Expressions.

Definition at line 304 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ CfgNestedExpressionOperator

String CfgNestedExpressionOperator = A_CHAR("*")

The operator defined in this public field is used to address nested expressions. The operator used can be customized to any defined (!) unary operator.

To disable nested expression parsing, change to empty or nulled string.

If changed, the change hast to be made prior to invoking SetupDefaults. Otherwise, the default configuration for verbal operator aliases would be set in effect to a wrong (or disabled) target operator.

Defaults to "*".

See also
Manual chapter 10. Nested Expressions.

Definition at line 294 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ CfgNestedExpressionThrowIdentifier

String CfgNestedExpressionThrowIdentifier

Keyword used with optional third parameter of expression function. Defaults to "throw". Resourced with key "EF"

See also
Manual chapter 10. Nested Expressions.

Definition at line 312 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ CfgNormalization

Flags that allow to tweak the result of the normalization of the originally parsed expression string.

Definition at line 323 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ CfgNormalizationDisallowed

std::vector<AString> CfgNormalizationDisallowed

This list is used with the normalization of the expression string. It contains strings, which are not allowed to appear in normalized expression strings.

In the current library version, such strings might occur only if flags Normalization::UnaryOpSpace , Normalization::UnaryOpSpaceIfUnaryFollows or Normalization::BinaryOpSpaces are not set. As a sample see expression:

     1 - -2

If no space is written after binary operators, this expression would be normalized to: 1–2

While this just looks irritating to a homo sapiens, it would be even illegal if well known C++ operator was supported. Therefore, string "--" is added to this map in method SetupDefaults, which forces the normalization logic to insert a space, even if spaces are otherwise configured to be omitted.

Definition at line 346 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ namedExpressions

HashMap< AString, SPExpression, std::hash <String>, std::equal_to<String> > namedExpressions

The map of 'named' expressions.

Definition at line 121 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ parser

detail::Parser* parser = nullptr

The expression parser.

Definition at line 111 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ Repository

ExpressionRepository* Repository = nullptr

Optional pointer to a default or custom implementation of a repository that provides expression strings for named nested expressions.

See also
Manual chapter 10.5 Automated Named Expressions.

Definition at line 374 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ typeMap

The map of Type names and bit flag values.

Definition at line 116 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ UnaryOperators

List<String> UnaryOperators

The list of unary operators. To define a new unary operator, method AddUnaryOperator should be used. In debug-builds, the methods asserts that no double insertions are performed.

Custom insertions may be performed before or after invoking SetupDefaults, but before a first expression is compiled.

Flag Compilation::DefaultUnaryOperators controls if method SetupDefaults adds operators resourced with enumeration DefaultUnaryOperators .

Definition at line 142 of file compiler.hpp.

Constructor(s) / Destructor Details::

◆ Compiler()

Compiler ( )

Constructor. Construction usually is three steps:

  1. Create class instance
  2. Set the various configuration options (fields prefixed Cfg).
  3. Invoke SetupDefaults.

Definition at line 97 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~Compiler()

~Compiler ( )


Definition at line 143 of file compiler.cpp.

Method Details:

◆ AddBinaryOperator()

void AddBinaryOperator ( const String & symbol,
int precedence )

Adds a binary operator to this expression compiler. This method should be invoked prior to prior to invoking SetupDefaults.

Operator symbols must be added only once.

symbolThe operator symbol.
precedenceThe precedence of the operator.

Definition at line 208 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ AddNamed()

bool AddNamed ( const String & name,
const String & expressionString )

Compiles the given expressionString and adds a compiled expression to the map of named expressions.

nameThe name used to map the expression.
expressionStringThe string to parse. If nulled, entry name is removed (if existing).
true if an expression with the same named existed and was replaced. Otherwise returns false.

Definition at line 357 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AddType()

void AddType ( Type sample,
const NString & name )

Registers a (custom) type name with this compiler. The name will be used to display a type name to end-users, for example, when malformed expressions throw an exception.

The built-in types get registered in the constructor of the compiler, where the type names are read from the ResourcePool of static library object EXPRESSIONS .

It is recommended that custom plug-ins invoke this method in their constructor.

There is no general need to register types for using them with ALib Expressions . Parameter name of this method is exclusively used to generate textual, human readable output!
sampleA sample value of the type, which is implicitly boxed when passed.
nameThe name of the type.

Definition at line 424 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ AddUnaryOperator()

void AddUnaryOperator ( const String & symbol)

Adds an unary operator to this expression compiler. This method should be invoked prior to prior to invoking SetupDefaults.

Operator symbols must be added only once.

symbolThe operator symbol.

Definition at line 176 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ Compile()

SPExpression Compile ( const String & expressionString)

Firstly, this method parses the given expression string thereby builds an intermediate internal abstract syntax tree . This tree is then translated into a detail::Program which evaluates the expression in respect to a Scope when executed.

For building the program, attached CompilerPlugin instances are queried.

During this process, a normalized version of the input string is always created. While the original input string can be accessed with Expression::GetOriginalString , the normalized version can be retrieved after the compilation with method Expression::GetNormalizedString . During compilation, the normalization rules (flags) stored in field CfgNormalization are applied.

For compilation, a compile-time scope object is created by calling virtual method getCompileTimeScope. If not overwritten, a standard scope object is used. If custom callbacks exists that are invokable at compile-time (to perform program optimization) and that at the same time rely on custom mechanics provided with a custom scope class, then a custom, derived version of this class has to be used that overrides method getCompileTimeScope accordingly.

expressionStringThe string to parse.
A shared pointer to the compiled expression. Contains nullptr on failure.

Definition at line 251 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ GetBinaryOperatorPrecedence()

int GetBinaryOperatorPrecedence ( const String & symbol)

Returns the precedence of given operator symbol.

symbolThe operator symbol.
The precedence of the operator as defined with AddBinaryOperator.

Definition at line 222 of file compiler.hpp.

◆ getCompileTimeScope()

Scope * getCompileTimeScope ( )

This virtual method is called by Compile to create the scope object used for allocations that are made for intermediate results at compile-time.

Compile-time allocations occur when expression terms that use purely constant arguments are evaluated at compile-time. Such optimization consequently leads to the invocation of callback functions at compile-time.

If now, custom callback functions rely on custom allocation mechanics, provided with custom scope types, then this method has to be overridden to return such custom scope object.

The default implementation returns the standard scope object. For its construction, field CfgFormatter is provided.
Derived compilers may need to return a scope object of a derived type.

Definition at line 151 of file compiler.cpp.

◆ GetNamed()

SPExpression GetNamed ( const String & name)

Returns a named expression previously defined using AddNamed. In the case that no expression with the given named was defined and optional interface Repository is set, then this interface is used to retrieve a corresponding expression string and compile the named expression 'on the fly'.

See also
Manual chapter 10.5 Automated Named Expressions.
nameThe name of the expression.
In case of success a shared pointer to the expression.

Definition at line 389 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getOptimizedExpressionString()

void getOptimizedExpressionString ( Expression * expression)

Implements Expression::GetOptimizedString .

expressionthe expression to generate an optimized string for.

Definition at line 332 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ RemoveNamed()

bool RemoveNamed ( const String & name)

Removes a named expression. This is just a shortcut to AddNamed, providing a nulled string for parameter expressionString .

nameThe name of the expression to be removed.
true if an expression with the given name existed and was removed. Otherwise returns false.

Definition at line 540 of file compiler.hpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ SetupDefaults()

void SetupDefaults ( )

Completes construction according to configuration options provided with fields prefixed Cfg. In detail, the following actions are performed:

Definition at line 160 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ TypeName()

NString TypeName ( Type box)

Returns the name of the type of the boxed value. Note that custom types need to be registered with method AddType.

If given argument box is a void box, the returned string is "NONE".

boxThe box to receive the type name for.
The type name as string.

Definition at line 432 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ WriteFunctionSignature() [1/2]

ALIB_WARNINGS_RESTORE void WriteFunctionSignature ( ArgIterator begin,
ArgIterator end,
AString & target )

Writes the signature of an argument list to a string buffer.

beginIterator to the first argument.
targetThe string to write into.

Definition at line 474 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ WriteFunctionSignature() [2/2]

ALIB_WARNINGS_ALLOW_UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE void WriteFunctionSignature ( Box ** boxArray,
size_t qty,
AString & target )

Writes the signature of a function (as for example found in Calculus::FunctionEntry ) to a string buffer.

boxArrayThe start of the array of pointers.
qtyThe array's length.
targetThe string to write into.

Definition at line 448 of file compiler.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

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