ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2412 R0
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alib::expressions Namespace Reference


This is the reference documentation of sub-namespace expressions of the ALib C++ Library, which holds types of library module ALib Expressions.

Extensive documentation for this module is provided with ALib Module Expressions - Programmer's Manual.

Nested Namespaces:

namespace  detail
namespace  plugins
namespace  util
 Utility types of camp ALib Expressions.

Type Index:

class  Compiler
struct  CompilerPlugin
struct  ERBinaryOperator
struct  EROperatorAlias
struct  Expression
class  ExpressionRepository
class  ExpressionsCamp
class  ExpressionVal
struct  FToLiteral
struct  Scope
struct  ScopeResource
struct  Signatures
class  StandardRepository
struct  Types

Type Definition Index:

using ArgIterator = StdVectorMono<Box>::iterator
using CallbackDecl = Box (*)( Scope& scope, ArgIterator argsBegin, ArgIterator argsEnd )
using Type = const alib::boxing::Box&

Enumeration Index:

enum class  Compilation {
  DefaultUnaryOperators = (1 << 1) , DefaultBinaryOperators = (1 << 2) , DefaultAlphabeticOperatorAliases = (1 << 3) , AlphabeticOperatorsIgnoreCase = (1 << 4) ,
  AllowSubscriptOperator = (1 << 5) , AliasEqualsOperatorWithAssignOperator = (1 << 6) , AllowBitwiseBooleanOperators = (1 << 7) , AllowOmittingParenthesesOfParameterlessFunctions = (1 << 8) ,
  AllowEmptyParenthesesForIdentifierFunctions = (1 << 9) , AllowCompileTimeNestedExpressions = (1 << 10) , AllowIdentifiersForNestedExpressions = (1 << 11) , CaseSensitiveNamedExpressions = (1 << 12) ,
  PluginExceptionFallThrough = (1 << 13) , CallbackExceptionFallThrough = (1 << 14) , NoOptimization = (1 << 20) , DEFAULT
enum class  CompilePriorities {
  NONE = 0 , ElvisOperator = 100 , AutoCast = 200 , Strings = 300 ,
  Arithmetics = 400 , Math = 500 , DateAndTime = 600 , Custom = 1000
enum class  DefaultAlphabeticBinaryOperatorAliases {
  And , Or , Sm , Smaller ,
  SmEq , SmallerOrEqual , Gt , Greater ,
  GtEq , GreaterOrEqual , Eq , Equals ,
  NEq , NotEqual
enum class  DefaultAlphabeticUnaryOperatorAliases { Not }
enum class  DefaultBinaryOperators {
  NONE , Subscript , Multiply , Divide ,
  Modulo , Add , Subtract , ShiftLeft ,
  ShiftRight , Smaller , SmallerOrEqual , Greater ,
  GreaterOrEqual , Equal , NotEqual , BitAnd ,
  BitXOr , BitOr , BoolAnd , BoolOr ,
  Assign , Elvis
enum class  DefaultUnaryOperators {
  NONE , Positive , Negative , BoolNot ,
  BitNot , Indirection
enum class  Exceptions {
  SyntaxError =1 , ExpressionInfo = -1 , StdExceptionInfo =-2 , EmptyExpressionString =2 ,
  SyntaxErrorExpectation =5 , UnknownUnaryOperatorSymbol =6 , UnknownBinaryOperatorSymbol =7 , UnknownIdentifier =14 ,
  UnknownFunction =15 , FunctionHint =-15 , UnaryOperatorNotDefined =16 , BinaryOperatorNotDefined =17 ,
  MissingFunctionParentheses =22 , IdentifierWithFunctionParentheses =23 , IncompatibleTypesInConditional =25 , ExceptionInPlugin =30 ,
  ExceptionInCallback =40 , NamedExpressionNotConstant =50 , NamedExpressionNotFound =51 , NestedExpressionNotFoundCT =52 ,
  NestedExpressionCallArgumentMismatch =53 , NestedExpressionNotFoundET =54 , WhenEvaluatingNestedExpression =-54 , NestedExpressionResultTypeError = 55 ,
  CircularNestedExpressions = 56 , CircularNestedExpressionsInfo =-56 , InExpressionFormatter =-500
enum class  Normalization : uint64_t {
  ReplaceFunctionNames = (1LLU << 1) , ReplaceAliasOperators = (1LLU << 2) , ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToSymbolic = (1LLU << 3) , ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToLowerCase = (1LLU << 4) ,
  ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToUpperCase = (1LLU << 5) , ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToDefinedLetterCase = (1LLU << 6) , QuoteUnaryNestedExpressionOperatorArgument = (1LLU << 7) , RemoveRedundantUnaryOpsOnNumberLiterals = (1LLU << 8) ,
  UnaryOpSpace = (1LLU << 9) , UnaryOpSpaceIfUnaryFollows = (1LLU << 10) , UnaryOpSpaceIfBracketFollows = (1LLU << 11) , UnaryOpInnerBracketSpace = (1LLU << 12) ,
  RedundantBracketsBetweenTwoUnaryOps = (1LLU << 13) , RedundantUnaryOpBrackets = (1LLU << 14) , BinaryOpSpaces = (1LLU << 15) , InnerBracketSpace = (1LLU << 16) ,
  OuterBracketSpace = (1LLU << 17) , RedundantRhsBracketsIfRhsIsStrongerBinaryOp = (1LLU << 18) , RedundantBracketsIfLhsAndRhsAreBinaryOps = (1LLU << 19) , RedundantBinaryOpBrackets = (1LLU << 20) ,
  ConditionalOpSpaceBeforeQM = (1LLU << 21) , ConditionalOpSpaceAfterQM = (1LLU << 22) , ConditionalOpSpaceBeforeColon = (1LLU << 23) , ConditionalOpSpaceAfterColon = (1LLU << 24) ,
  RedundantConditionalOpBrackets = (1LLU << 25) , FunctionSpaceBeforeOpeningBracket = (1LLU << 26) , FunctionInnerBracketSpace = (1LLU << 27) , FunctionInnerBracketSpaceIfNoArguments = (1LLU << 28) ,
  FunctionSpaceBeforeComma = (1LLU << 29) , FunctionSpaceAfterComma = (1LLU << 30) , SubscriptSpaceBeforeBrackets = (1LLU << 31) , SubscriptInnerBracketSpace = (1LLU << 32) ,
  KeepScientificFormat = (1LLU << 33 ) , ForceHexadecimal = (1LLU << 34 ) , ForceOctal = (1LLU << 35 ) , ForceBinary = (1LLU << 36 ) ,

Type Definition Details:

◆ ArgIterator

using ArgIterator = StdVectorMono<Box>::iterator

Type definition for passing arguments to expression callbacks.

See also
For more information, see 3.2 Type definitions With Sample Boxes.

Definition at line 971 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ CallbackDecl

using CallbackDecl = Box (*)( Scope& scope, ArgIterator argsBegin, ArgIterator argsEnd )

Function pointer implementing native callback functions, for expression functions and operators. The implementations are defined and selected by the compiler plugins. They are called (executed) when an expression is evaluated.

scopeThe expression's evaluation scope.
[out]argsBeginAn iterator that returns Box objects. The first entry takes also the result.
[out]argsEndThe end-iterator.

Definition at line 982 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ Type

using Type = const alib::boxing::Box&

Type definition for passing boxes as sample types.

See also
For more information, see 3.2 Type definitions With Sample Boxes.

Definition at line 965 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

Enumeration Details:

◆ Compilation

enum class Compilation

Bitwise enum class defining options of expression compilation. Flags defined with this type are set in field Compiler::CfgCompilation.


If this flag is set, all unary operators given in DefaultUnaryOperators are defined with method Compiler::SetupDefaults.

Note that the enumeration class is equipped with resourced ALib Enum Records, which might be changed as an alternative to clearing this flag and provide own definitions.

This flag is set by default.


If this flag is set, all binary operators given in DefaultBinaryOperators are defined with method Compiler::SetupDefaults.

Note that the enumeration class is equipped with resourced ALib Enum Records, which might be changed as an alternative to clearing this flag and provide own definitions.

This flag is set by default.


If this flag is set, all alphabetic operator aliases given in enumerations DefaultAlphabeticUnaryOperatorAliases and DefaultAlphabeticBinaryOperatorAliases are defined with method Compiler::SetupDefaults.

Note that both enumeration classes are equipped with resourced ALib Enum Records, which might be changed as an alternative to clearing this flag and provide own definitions.

This flag is set by default.


If this flag is set, alphabetic operator aliases defined in Compiler::AlphabeticUnaryOperatorAliases and Compiler::AlphabeticBinaryOperatorAliases are parsed ignoring letter case.

Even when this flag is cleared, no two verbal operator aliases that are equal when case is ignored must be defined (e.g "or" and "OR" ).

This flag is set by default.


If not set, array subscript operator [] is not supported and its use will cause parse errors errors.

Note that compiler plug-ins get the array subscript operator presented for compilation as a usual binary operator given as DefaultBinaryOperators::Subscript. This makes its support with custom types quite simple.

This flag has to be changed to a custom state before performing the first compilation of an expression with a dedicated Compiler. The rationale behind this is, that the compiler creates the parser system at its first use, which in turn does not check the flag after creation.

This flag is set by default.


Used with constructor of compiler plug-ins plugins::Arithmetics and plugins::Strings. (If they are activated in Compiler::CfgBuiltInPlugins or "manually" added.)

Denotes if the assignment operator = is an alias for equal operator ==. If set to false, the use of the = operator with several any argument type, throws a compilation exception, unless it is compiled by a custom plug-in.

In addition to aliasing the == with =, the latter also receives a higher precedence of parsing! If this flag is not set, the precedence of assign =,follows the C++ standards and thus is below the group of &, ^, |, &&, || and ? :. If the alias setting is activated, then the precedence is raised to be on the same level as boolean equal == and thus higher than the aforementioned operators!

Used with constructor of compiler plug-in plugins::Arithmetics. (If it is activated in Compiler::CfgBuiltInPlugins or "manually" added.)

Denotes if the unary bitwise operator ~ and binary bitwise operators &, | and ^ should be allowed for boolean values. If set to false, the use of the bitwise operators with boolean arguments, throws a compilation exception, unless the bitwise operators are compiled by a custom plug-in.


If false, compile-time exception Exceptions::MissingFunctionParentheses is thrown if a parameterless function is stated without (otherwise redundant) parentheses '()'.

If true, this is tolerated.

This flag is not tested, and the exception is not thrown, by the compiler itself, but by class Calculus.
Even if this flag is false, still functions without parentheses may be allowed by setting nullptr to field Calculus::FunctionEntry::Signature when registering a function. In this case the function is considered rather being an "identifier" than a function. (Still it is the very same as a function, it is just a matter of wording here.)

The other way round, if a function is registered as an identifier, flag AllowEmptyParenthesesForIdentifierFunctions, controls if exception Exceptions::IdentifierWithFunctionParentheses is to be thrown if empty parentheses are given on functions that are registered as identifier-style functions.


If false, compile-time exception Exceptions::IdentifierWithFunctionParentheses is thrown if a parameterless function, declared as 'identifier style' is used with parentheses '()'.

If true, this is tolerated.

See also
For more information, see the note in documentation of flag AllowOmittingParenthesesOfParameterlessFunctions.

If this flag is set (the default), the unary nested expression operator is activated, as well as the single-parameter overload of the nested expression function. If the field is cleared, then only evaluation-time nested expressions are allowed, which is the two- and three-parameter version of the expression function. Other uses are then causing compilation exception Exceptions::UnaryOperatorNotDefined, respectively Exceptions::NestedExpressionCallArgumentMismatch.


If this flag is set (the default), then identifiers that follow the unary nested expression operator (defaults to '*'), are internally converted to corresponding string literals - just as if they were given as a quoted string.

See also
Normalization flag QuoteUnaryNestedExpressionOperatorArgument.

If not set (the default), then names of named expressions are not distinguished by letter case.


Controls whether exceptions of type std::exception thrown in plug-ins during compilation are caught by the compiler and transformed to Exceptions::ExceptionInPlugin

Note that exceptions thrown in callback functions which are evaluated at compile-time against constant parameters, are considered plug-in exceptions.


This is an "evaluation-time compiler flag". If not set (the default) exceptions of type Exception and std::exception thrown in callback functions during expression evaluation are caught and transformed to Exceptions::ExceptionInCallback letter case.


If this flag is set, no optimizations are performed when assembling the program.

There is absolutely no reason for setting this flag, other than for running the unit tests. Or for playing with the little virtual machine implemented with this library and having fun understanding the non-optimized program listings generated. The assembly language is easy, it has only four virtual assembly commands - plus a fifth for invoking programs of nested expressions.

Default value. Evaluates to:
DefaultUnaryOperators +
DefaultBinaryOperators +
DefaultAlphabeticOperatorAliases +
AlphabeticOperatorsIgnoreCase +
AliasEqualsOperatorWithAssignOperator +
AllowBitwiseBooleanOperators +
AllowSubscriptOperator +
AllowOmittingParenthesesOfParameterlessFunctions +
AllowEmptyParenthesesForIdentifierFunctions +
AllowCompileTimeNestedExpressions +
AllowIdentifiersForNestedExpressions +

Definition at line 465 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ CompilePriorities

enum class CompilePriorities

Arithmetical enumeration of slots used to prioritize CompilerPlugin instances attached to instances of class Compiler at run-time.


Used to denote that no variable or plug-in was found.


Built-in operator ?: (like conditional, but no 'true'-expression).

See also

Auto-cast plug-in.


Built-in String comparison and manipulation.


Collection of built-in unary and binary operators for boolean, integer and floating point values.


Collection of built-in unary and binary operators for boolean, integer and floating point values.


Collection of date and time functions based on alib::time.


This is where custom plug-ins usually should be placed. It gives them a higher priority than all built-in plug-ins have.
If more than one plug-in should be installed, add 1, 2, ... to the enum element.

Definition at line 172 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ DefaultAlphabeticBinaryOperatorAliases

This enumeration lists the built-in verbal alias names for binary operators.

The associated ALib Enum Records provides the operator verbs as well as the replacement operator.

Flag Compilation::DefaultAlphabeticOperatorAliases controls if method Compiler::SetupDefaults adds the aliases to the compiler.


Verbal alias "And" to boolean and operator '&&'.


Verbal alias "Or" to boolean or operator '||'.


Verbal alias "Sm" to operator '<'.


Verbal alias "Smaller" to operator '<'.


Verbal alias "Smeq" to operator '<='.


Verbal alias "Smaller_or_equal" to operator '<='.


Verbal alias "Gt" to operator '>'.


Verbal alias "Greater" to operator '>'.


Verbal alias "Gteq" to operator '>='.


Verbal alias "Greater_or_equal" to operator '>='.


Verbal alias "Eq" to operator '=='.


Verbal alias "Equals" to operator '=='.


Verbal alias "Neq" to operator '!='.


Verbal alias "Not_equals" to operator '!='.

Definition at line 410 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ DefaultAlphabeticUnaryOperatorAliases

This enumeration lists the built-in verbal alias names for unary operators.

The associated ALib Enum Records provides the operator verbs as well as the replacement operator.

Flag Compilation::DefaultAlphabeticOperatorAliases controls if method Compiler::SetupDefaults adds the aliases to the compiler.


Verbal alias "Not" to operator '!'.

Definition at line 396 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ DefaultBinaryOperators

enum class DefaultBinaryOperators

This enumeration lists the built-in binary operators. The associated ALib Enum RecordS of type ERBinaryOperator provides an operator's symbol an its precedence.


Not an operator.


Array subscripting ('[]'). Precedence hardcoded with parser.


Arithmetic multiplication ('*'). Precedence 900.


Arithmetic division ('/'). Precedence 900.


Arithmetic modulo ('%'). Precedence 900.


Arithmetic addition ('+'). Precedence 800.


Arithmetic subtraction ('-'). Precedence 800.


Bitwise shifting of integral values ('<<'). Precedence 700.


Bitwise shifting of integral values ('>>'). Precedence 700.


Smaller operator ('<'). Precedence 600.


Smaller or equal operator ('<='). Precedence 600.


Greater operator ('>'). Precedence 600.


Greater or equal operator ('>='). Precedence 600.


Equal operator ('=='). Precedence 500.


Not equal operator ('!='). Precedence 500.


Binary and ('&'). "and"s all bits of two integral values. Precedence 470.


Binary xor ('^'). "xor"s all bits of two integral values. Precedence 460.


Binary or ('|'). "or"s all bits of two integral values. Precedence 450.


Boolean and ('&&'). Result is boolean. Precedence 440.


Boolean or ('||'). Result is boolean. Precedence 430.


Assignment. By default, this is used as alias operator for operator Equal by the built-in compiler plug-ins. See AliasEqualsOperatorWithAssignOperator for more information.
Precedence 300.


Binary version of ternary operator Q ? T : F with second operand (T) not given. Whitespaces are allowed between '?' and ':'.
Precedence 200.

Definition at line 313 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ DefaultUnaryOperators

enum class DefaultUnaryOperators

This enumeration lists the built-in unary operators. The associated ALib Enum Records provides the operator symbols.


Not an operator.


'+' operator (usually returns identity value).


'-' operator, negates a value.


Boolean not ('!').


Bitwise not ('~').


Unary '*' operator. Similar to the C++ indirection operator, this is the default operator uses with nested expressions, which is defined with Compiler::CfgNestedExpressionOperator.

Definition at line 293 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ Exceptions

enum class Exceptions

Exceptions thrown by module ALib Expressions.

This enum type is associated with ALib Enum Records according to the specification documented with class Exception.

General error thrown by the parser.


Detail entry (negative element value) used with various exceptions. Shows the expression in a first line and a marker of the syntax error position in a second.


This is added to exceptions when when a std::exception is wrapped. The 'what()' string is included as entry parameter. (This is a detail entry with negative element value).


Thrown when an empty string is tried to be compiled.


Syntax error with concrete information about what the parser expected at given position.


Unknown unary operator symbol found when parsing expression string.


Unknown binary operator symbol found when parsing expression string.


Compile-time exception thrown when an expression uses an unknown identifier name.


Compile-time exception thrown when an expression uses an unknown function name.


Optional info entry (negative element value) on a function with matching name but non-matching arguments found.


Compile-time exception thrown when an unary operator is not applicable to the given argument type.


Compile-time exception thrown when a binary operator is not applicable to the combination of left-hand and right-and argument type.


Compile-time exception thrown when function parentheses are missing with parameterless functions, while flag AllowOmittingParenthesesOfParameterlessFunctions is not set in Compiler::CfgCompilation.


Compile-time exception thrown when empty function parentheses are given with identifiers (parameterless functions), while flag AllowEmptyParenthesesForIdentifierFunctions is not set in Compiler::CfgCompilation.


Compile-time exception thrown when incompatible types are given with conditional term Q ? T : F. Note that before throwing this exception, the compiler tries to insert auto-cast callback functions, and if found, performs one second try to compile the operator for the new pair of operatnd types.


This is a "wrapper" exception thrown when a plug-in or a compile-time invoked callback function throws an exception of type std::exception or of type Exception with a code that is not of this enumeration type.
Used only if compilation Compilation::PluginExceptionFallThrough is not set.


This is a "wrapper" exception thrown when callback functions throws an exception of type std::exception or of type Exception. Used only if compilation Compilation::CallbackExceptionFallThrough is not set.


Compile-time exception thrown when unary expression operator is used with a non-constant nested expression name.


Compile-time exception thrown when an expression refers to an unknown named nested expression.


Compile-time exception thrown when a named nested expression which is searched an inserted at compile-time could not be found.
Overwrites exception NamedExpressionNotFound.

See also
Manual chapter 10. Nested Expressions.

Compile-time exception thrown when when wrong arguments were passed to function Compiler::CfgNestedExpressionFunction.

See also
Manual chapter 10. Nested Expressions.

Evaluation-time exception thrown when a named nested expression which is searched only at evaluation-time could not be found.
Overwrites exception NamedExpressionNotFound.

See also
Manual chapter 10. Nested Expressions.

Informational exception entry (negative element value) providing the name of the expression that caused any other exception than NamedExpressionNotFound during evaluation of a nested expression.

Note that entries of this type might be repeated when expressions are recursively nested. The number of entries in the exception corresponds to the depth of nesting.


Evaluation-time exception thrown when a named nested expression which was searched and found only at evaluation-time, returned a different result type than specified.

See also
Manual chapter 10. Nested Expressions.

Evaluation-time exception thrown when a circular relationship of nested expressions is detected, which comprises an infinite loop.


A list of informational entries of this type is given with exception CircularNestedExpressions. Each entry provides the name of the expression that was evaluated and the name of the nested expression that it called. Hence, the list of entries of this type comprise the "call stack" that leaded to the circular call that caused the exception.


This is an extension entry added to exceptions that occur with compilation or evaluation of expressions by class util::ExpressionFormatter.

Definition at line 32 of file expressionscamp.hpp.

◆ Normalization

enum class Normalization : uint64_t

Bitwise enum class defining options for formatting parsed expressions. The normalized conversion of the expression input string is available with method ExpressionVal::GetNormalizedString, after an expression was successfully compiled.

The normalization flags are stored per compiler instance, consequently using a public compiler field namely Compiler::CfgNormalization.


Replace given shortened and letter case mismatched identifier and function names with completed versions.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Replace alias operators with effective operators.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


This is one of four flags that together allow five possible normalization options for verbal alias operators. If more than one flag is set, the one with the highest precedence is used.

The following table lists the flags, their precedence and the type of normalization:

Precedence Flag Description
0 <none set> A verbal operator is normalized as given in original expression string.
1 ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToSymbolic Replaces verbal operators with the symbolic operator that they represent.
2 ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToLowerCase Converts verbal operators to lower case letters.
3 ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToUpperCase Converts verbal operators to upper case letters.
4 ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToDefinedLetterCase Uses the writing specified with the definition of the verbal operator.

With configuration DEFAULT, flag ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToUpperCase is set.


See sibling flag ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToSymbolic.


See sibling flag ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToSymbolic.


See sibling flag ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToSymbolic.


Converts nested expression names that have been given unquoted to a quoted string literal. If this is not set, the quotation remains as given in original expression string. This flag is not set with DEFAULT.

See also
Compilation flag AllowIdentifiersForNestedExpressions.

Remove redundant provisions unary operators '+' and '-' from number literals.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space after an unary operator (if no brackets around arguments and no unary operator follows).
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space between two unary operators.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space before opening bracket of bracketed arguments of unary operators.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space after an opening and before a closing bracket of arguments of unary operators.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, normalization inserts redundant brackets to the argument of an unary operator, if that argument is an unary operator itself.

This flag is superseded by RedundantUnaryOpBrackets.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, normalization inserts redundant brackets to arguments of unary operators.

This flag supersedes by RedundantBracketsBetweenTwoUnaryOps.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space before and after binary operator symbol.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space after an opening and before a closing bracket of arguments of binary operators and around a conditional expression.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space before opening and after closing bracket of arguments of binary operators and around a conditional expression.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, normalization inserts redundant brackets to the right-hand side operand of binary operators if that operand is a binary operator itself and has a higher precedence.

The following samples demonstrate why this is useful if normalization targets humans:

Without flag set With flag set
1 - 2 - 3 no change
1 - 2 * 3 1 - (2 * 3)
1 * 2 - 3 no change
1 - 2 * 3 - 4 - 5 * 6 - 7 1 - (2 * 3) - 4 - (5 * 6) - 7
true == false && true no change
true && false == true true && (false == true)
true && false == false && true true && (false == false) && true
true && false == (false && true) true && (false == (false && true))
true && false == true < false true && (false == (true < false))
true && false == false == true true && (false == false == true)

This flag is superseded by RedundantBinaryOpBrackets.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, normalization inserts redundant brackets to both operands of binary operators if both are binary operators themselves.

The following samples demonstrate why this is useful if normalization strings target humans:

Without flag set With flag set
1 - 2 - 3 no change
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 no change
1 - 2 - (3 - 4) (1 - 2) - (3 - 4)
1 - 2 - 3 - (4 - 5) (1 - 2 - 3) - (4 - 5)
1 - 2 - (3 - 4) - 5 (1 - 2) - (3 - 4) - 5

This flag is superseded by RedundantBinaryOpBrackets.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, normalization inserts redundant brackets around each binary operator sub-expression. This flag supersedes flags RedundantRhsBracketsIfRhsIsStrongerBinaryOp and RedundantBracketsIfLhsAndRhsAreBinaryOps.

It is not recommended to set this flag. It is only useful to debug expressions and understand exactly what precedences operators have.

This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space before character ? of ternary conditional operator.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space after character ? of a ternary conditional operator.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space before character : of ternary conditional operator.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space after character : of ternary conditional operator.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, normalization inserts redundant brackets around the conditional operator expressions Q ? T : F, if it is not the root node.

This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space before between the function identifier name and the opening bracket of the argument list.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space after the opening and before the closing bracket of argument list of a function.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space between the opening and the closing bracket of an empty argument list of a function.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space before a comma of an argument separator of an function's argument list.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space after a comma of an argument separator of a function's argument list.
This flag is set with DEFAULT.


Write a space before array subscript operator '[]'.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


Write a space after the opening and before the closing bracket of array subscript operator '[]'.
This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, floating point literals are normalized in scientific format when given in scientific format. If it is not set, then numbers given in scientific format might be written as usual floating point values, dependent on their value. E.g. a given 1.0e1 would be converted to 10.0.

Note that scientific format can be forced for all floating point number output by setting flag ForceScientific in field Flags of variable Formatter::DefaultNumberFormat, which in turn is found in member Compiler::CfgFormatter. Such setting would supersede this flag.

This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, integral literals will be normalized to hexadecimal format. If this flag is not set, then integrals will be normalized in the number system that they had been provided in.

This flags supersedes flags ForceOctal and ForceBinary.

This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, integral literals will be normalized to octal format. If this flag is not set, then integrals will be normalized in the number system that they had been provided in.

This flags is superseded by flag ForceHexadecimal and supersedes flag ForceBinary.

This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


If this flag is set, integral literals will be normalized to binary format. If this flag is not set, then integrals will be normalized in the number system that they had been provided in.

This flags is superseded by flags ForceHexadecimal and ForceOctal.

This flag is not set with DEFAULT.


All flags are cleared, may be used for testing bits.


All flags are cleared, hence no whitespaces and unnecessary brackets are written and identifiers as they have been given (potentially abbreviated and ignoring letter case).


Default value. Evaluates to:
ReplaceFunctionNames +
ReplaceVerbalOperatorsToUpperCase +

RemoveRedundantUnaryOpsOnNumberLiterals +
BinaryOpSpaces +
RedundantRhsBracketsIfRhsIsStrongerBinaryOp +
RedundantBracketsIfLhsAndRhsAreBinaryOps +

ConditionalOpSpaceBeforeQM +
ConditionalOpSpaceBeforeColon +
ConditionalOpSpaceAfterQM +
ConditionalOpSpaceAfterColon +
RedundantConditionalOpBrackets +

FunctionInnerBracketSpace +
FunctionSpaceAfterComma +

Definition at line 673 of file expressionscamp.hpp.