ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2412 R0
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DateAndTime Struct Reference


Compiler plug-in that provides date an time related expression terms.

The identifiers, functions and operators offered by this compiler plug-in introduce ALib types DateTime and TimePointBase::Duration to be used with module ALib Expressions.

All identifier and function names are defined case insensitive.


Type Name Min. Abbreviation Description
Integer January jan Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer February feb Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer March mar Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer April apr Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer May may Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer June jun Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer July jul Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer August aug Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer September sep Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer October oct Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer November nov Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.
Integer December dec Used to compare the result of functions GetMonth and GetUtcMonth.

Integer |Sunday | sun | Used to compare the result of functions GetDayOfWeek and GetUtcDayOfWeek. Integer |Monday | mon | Used to compare the result of functions GetDayOfWeek and GetUtcDayOfWeek. Integer |Tuesday | tue | Used to compare the result of functions GetDayOfWeek and GetUtcDayOfWeek. Integer |Wednesday| wed | Used to compare the result of functions GetDayOfWeek and GetUtcDayOfWeek. Integer |Thursday | thu | Used to compare the result of functions GetDayOfWeek and GetUtcDayOfWeek. Integer |Friday | fri | Used to compare the result of functions GetDayOfWeek and GetUtcDayOfWeek. Integer |Saturday | sat | Used to compare the result of functions GetDayOfWeek and GetUtcDayOfWeek.

Constant Constructor Functions:

Return Type Name Min. Abbreviation Signature Description
DateTime DateTime times int,... Returns a time stamp representing the calendar date in local time zone, respecting daylight saving. The first parameter is required and provides the year. Further parameters are optional and provide month (defaults to 1), dayOfMonth (defaults to 1), hour (defaults to 0), minute (defaults to 0) and millisecond (defaults to 0).
DateTime UtcDateTime utcti int,... Returns a time stamp representing the calendar date in UTC time, not respecting daylight saving. The first parameter is required and provides the year. Further parameters are optional and provide month (defaults to 1), dayOfMonth (defaults to 1), hour (defaults to 0), minute (defaults to 0) and millisecond (defaults to 0).
Duration NanoSecondS ns int Returns a time span object representing the given number of nanoseconds.
Duration MicroSecondS mics int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of microseconds.
Duration MicroSecondS mics double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of microseconds.
Duration MillisecondS ms int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of milliseconds.
Duration MillisecondS ms double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of milliseconds.
Duration SecondS sec int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of seconds.
Duration SecondS sec double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of seconds.
Duration MinuteS min int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of minutes.
Duration MinuteS min double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of minutes.
Duration Hours hour int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of hours.
Duration Hours hour double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of hours.
Duration Days day int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of days.
Duration Days day double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of days.
Duration Weeks wee int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of weeks.
Duration Weeks wee double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of weeks.
Duration Months mon int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of months (30 days).
Duration Months mon double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of months (30 days).
Duration Years year int Returns a time span object representing the given (absolute) number of years (365 days).
Duration Years year double Returns a time span object representing the given (rational) number of years (365 days).


Return Type Name Min. Abbreviation Signature Description
DateTime Now now ./. Returns the actual point in time.
DateTime Today today ./. Returns the point in time that represents the current date local date at midnight, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
DateTime UtcToday utoday ./. Returns the point in time that represents the current date local date at midnight, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
Duration Age age DateTime Returns the time span between the actual point in time and the given time stamp.
Boolean IsOlderThan isot DateTime ,Duration Returns true if the time span between the actual point in time and the given point in time is greater than the given duration.
Integer GetYear gy DateTime Returns the calendar year of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
Integer GetMonth gmon DateTime Returns the calendar month of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
Integer GetDay gd DateTime Returns the calendar day of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
Integer GetDayOfWeek gdow DateTime Returns the calendar dayOfWeek of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
Integer GetHour gh DateTime Returns the calendar hour of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
Integer GetMinute gmin DateTime Returns the calendar Minute of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
Integer GetMilliSecond gms DateTime Returns the calendar millisecond of the time stamp, respecting the local time zone and daylight saving.
Integer GetUtcYear guy DateTime Returns the calendar year of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
Integer GetUtcMonth gumon DateTime Returns the calendar month of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
Integer GetUtcDay gud DateTime Returns the calendar day of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
Integer GetUtcDayOfWeek gudow DateTime Returns the calendar dayOfWeek of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
Integer GetUtcHour guh DateTime Returns the calendar hour of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
Integer GetUtcMinute gumin DateTime Returns the calendar minute of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
Integer GetUtcMillisecond gums DateTime Returns the calendar millisecond of the time stamp, respecting UTC time zone without daylight saving.
Float InDayS ind Duration Returns the time span given in days.
Float InHourS inh Duration Returns the time span given in hours.
Float InMinuteS inmin Duration Returns the time span given in minutes.
Float InSecondS ins Duration Returns the time span given in seconds.
Float InMilliSecondS inms Duration Returns the time span given in milliseconds.
Float InMicroSecondS inmics Duration Returns the time span given in microseconds.
Float InNanoSecondS inns Duration Returns the time span given in nanoseconds.
Float InHertZ inhz Duration Returns the time span given in hertz (1/second).

Binary Operators:

Return Type Lhs Type Operator Rhs Type Description
DateTime DateTime + Duration Adds a time span to a time stamp.
DateTime Duration + DateTime Adds a time span to a time stamp.
DateTime DateTime - DateTime Subtracts two time stamps resulting in a time span.
DateTime DateTime - Duration Subtracts a time span from time stamp.
Duration Duration + Duration Adds two time spans.
Duration Duration - Duration Subtracts rhs-value from lhs-value.
Duration Duration * Float Multiplies a time span by a given floating point value.
Duration Float * Duration Multiplies a time span by a given floating point value.
Duration Duration * Integer Multiplies a time span by a given integral value.
Duration Integer * Duration Multiplies a time span by a given integral value.
Duration Duration / Float Divides a time span by a given floating point value.
Duration Duration / Integer Divides a time span by a given integral value.
Boolean DateTime == DateTime Compares two time stamp objects.
Boolean Duration == Duration Compares two time span objects.
Boolean DateTime != DateTime Compares two time stamp objects.
Boolean Duration != Duration Compares two time span objects.
Boolean DateTime < DateTime Compares two time stamp objects.
Boolean Duration < Duration Compares two time span objects.
Boolean DateTime <= DateTime Compares two time stamp objects.
Boolean Duration <= Duration Compares two time span objects.
Boolean DateTime > DateTime Compares two time stamp objects.
Boolean Duration > Duration Compares two time span objects.
Boolean DateTime >= DateTime Compares two time stamp objects.
Boolean Duration >= Duration Compares two time span objects.

Reference Documentation

Definition at line 149 of file dateandtime.hpp.

#include <dateandtime.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for DateAndTime:
Collaboration diagram for DateAndTime:

Public Static Method Index:

static ALIB_API void Bootstrap ()

Public Method Index:

ALIB_API DateAndTime (Compiler &compiler)
virtual ~DateAndTime () override
 Virtual destructor.
- Public Method Index: inherited from Calculus
 Calculus (const NString &name, Compiler &compiler, CompilePriorities pPriority)
virtual ~Calculus () override
 Virtual destructor.
ALIB_API void AddBinaryOpOptimizations (BinaryOpOptimizationsTableEntry *table, size_t length)
template<size_t TCapacity>
void AddBinaryOpOptimizations (BinaryOpOptimizationsTableEntry(&table)[TCapacity])
void AddOperator (const String &op, Type lhsType, Type rhsType, CallbackDecl callback, const char *dbgCallbackName, Type resultType, CTInvokable cti)
void AddOperatorAlias (const String &alias, Type lhsType, Type rhsType, const String &op)
void AddOperatorAliases (OperatorAliasTableEntry *table, size_t length)
template<size_t TCapacity>
void AddOperatorAliases (OperatorAliasTableEntry(&table)[TCapacity])
ALIB_API void AddOperators (OperatorTableEntry *table, size_t length)
template<size_t TCapacity>
void AddOperators (OperatorTableEntry(&table)[TCapacity])
virtual ALIB_API bool TryCompilation (CIAutoCast &autoCast) override
virtual ALIB_API bool TryCompilation (CIBinaryOp &ciBinaryOp) override
virtual ALIB_API bool TryCompilation (CIFunction &ciFunction) override
virtual ALIB_API bool TryCompilation (CIUnaryOp &ciUnaryOp) override
- Public Method Index: inherited from CompilerPlugin
 CompilerPlugin (const NString &name, Compiler &compiler, CompilePriorities pPriority)
virtual ~CompilerPlugin ()
 Virtual destructor.
- Public Method Index: inherited from Plugin< Compiler, CompilePriorities >
PrioritiesType GetPriority () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Type Index: inherited from Calculus
using BinaryOpOptimizationsTableEntry = const std::tuple<String, lang::Side, Type, const Box&, const Box&>
using CTInvokable = bool
using OperatorAliasTableEntry = const std::tuple<String, Type, Type, String>
using OperatorTableEntry
- Public Type Index: inherited from Plugin< Compiler, CompilePriorities >
using PluginType
 This exposes the template parameter TPlugin to the outer world.
using PrioritiesType
 This exposes the template parameter pTPlugin to the outer world.
- Public Static Field Index: inherited from Calculus
static constexpr CTInvokable CTI = true
static constexpr CTInvokable ETI = false
- Public Field Index: inherited from Calculus
MonoAllocator allocator
std::vector< AutoCastEntryAutoCasts
 List of auto-casts to be compiled by this plug-in.
HashMap< MonoAllocator, BinOpOptKey, Box, BinOpOptKey::Hash, BinOpOptKey::EqualToBinaryOperatorOptimizations
std::vector< ConstantIdentifierEntryConstantIdentifiers
 List of identifiers that return constant values to be compiled by this plug-in.
std::vector< FunctionEntryFunctions
 List of functions to be compiled by this plug-in.
HashMap< MonoAllocator, OperatorKey, String, OperatorKey::Hash, OperatorKey::EqualToOperatorAliases
HashMap< MonoAllocator, OperatorKey, std::tuple< CallbackDecl, Box, CTInvokable ALIB_DBG(, const char *) >, OperatorKey::Hash, OperatorKey::EqualToOperators
- Public Field Index: inherited from CompilerPlugin
 The compiler that this plug-in is attached to.
const NString Name
- Protected Field Index: inherited from Plugin< Compiler, CompilePriorities >
PrioritiesType priority
 The priority of this plug-in.
- Protected Method Index: inherited from Plugin< Compiler, CompilePriorities >
 Plugin (PrioritiesType pPriority)

Constructor(s) / Destructor Details:

◆ DateAndTime()

ALIB_API DateAndTime ( Compiler & compiler)

Constructor. Creates the hash maps.

compilerThe compiler we will get attached to.

◆ ~DateAndTime()

virtual ~DateAndTime ( )

Virtual destructor.

Definition at line 160 of file dateandtime.hpp.

Method Details:

◆ Bootstrap()

static ALIB_API void Bootstrap ( )

Static initialization function. Called once during library initialization.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: