Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- l -
- languageStore : ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >
- lastReceivedWidth : Console
- LastSystemError : TextFileLogger
- lastThreadToJoin : ThreadPool
- lazyLanguageNode : ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >
- LCU : ColorfulLoggerParameters
- LeadingGroupCharReplacement : TNumberFormat< TChar >
- left : HuffmanDecoder::Node
- len : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >
- Length : StructArray
- length : TFormat< TChar >::Escape, TString< TChar >, DedicatedWorker
- Lhs : ASTBinaryOp
- lhs : Calculus::OperatorKey
- LhsIsConst : CompilerPlugin::CIBinaryOp
- Line : CallerInfo
- LinesWithReadErrors : IniFile
- LineWidth : IniFileFeeder, Paragraphs
- LinkTreatment : ScanParameters
- listener : Configuration::ListenerRecord, FTree::ListenerRecord
- listeners : Configuration, FTree
- listIdx : LRUCacheTable< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual >::TForwardIterator< TConstOrMutable >
- lists : LRUCacheTable< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual >
- localBuffer : TLocalString< TChar, TCapacity, TAllocator >
- LocaleFound : BaseCamp
- localMemory : TLocalAllocator< TCapacityInKB, TAllocator >
- LocalSPTRs : ScopeInfo
- Lock : LoxImpl
- lock : Report, TSharedMonoVal< T, TAllocator, TLock >::FieldMembersWithLock
- logableContainers : LoxImpl
- logBuf : TextLogger
- LogCallsPerDomain : Domain::LoggerData
- Logger : Domain::LoggerData
- loggerAddedSinceLastDebugState : LoxImpl
- LoggerVerbosity : Domain::LoggerData
- LogMessage : FormatAutoSizes
- LogNumberMinDigits : FormatOther
- lox : ALoxReportWriter
- loxName : ScopeInfo