Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- m -
- ma : BitBufferMA
- MagnitudeThreshold : ByteSizeIEC, ByteSizeSI
- Mapping : VTable
- markedBuffer : Paragraphs
- markerBulletLevel : Paragraphs
- MarkerBullets : Paragraphs
- MarkerChar : Paragraphs
- max : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >, StopWatch
- MAX_CODE_LENGTH : HuffmanEncoder
- MAX_NODES : HuffmanDecoder
- MAX_WORDS : HuffmanEncoder
- maxDec : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >
- MaxDepth : ScanParameters
- maxDomainPathLength : LoxImpl
- MaxElapsedTime : MetaInfo
- maximumKeyLength : ScopeDump
- maxInc : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >
- MaxLineWidth : TISReadLine< TChar >
- maxLoadFactor : HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >
- maxLoggerNameLength : LoxImpl
- MaxNameLength : CommandLine
- Memory : UnionPointers
- MemoryLog : MemoryLogger
- message : ExceptionEntry
- MetaInfo : TextLogger
- Microseconds : CalendarDuration
- Millisecond : CalendarDateTime
- Milliseconds : CalendarDuration
- min : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >, StopWatch
- minDec : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >
- MinimumRecognitionLength : ERSerializable, PropertyFormatter::IdentifierEntry
- minInc : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >
- minLengths : Token
- minPad : TFormat< TChar >::Tab
- Minute : CalendarDateTime
- Minutes : CalendarDuration
- monoAllocator : LoxImpl
- monoAllocatorResponsibility : Message
- Month : CalendarDateTime
- msgBuf : TextLogger
- mTime : FInfo
- MultiLineDelimiter : TextLogger
- MultiLineDelimiterRepl : TextLogger
- MultiLineMsgMode : TextLogger
- mutex : Sleeper, ThreadLock, ThreadLockNR
- mutexNotifier : ThreadLock