Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- RawValue : IniFile::Entry
- readOp : StringReader
- readTimes : ArrayCompressor::Statistics
- RealPath : ResultsPaths
- RealTarget : FInfo::EISymLinkFile
- record : CommandDecl, ExitCodeDecl, OptionDecl, ParameterDecl, EnumRecordHook< TEnum >::Node, EnumRecords< TEnum, TEnableIf >::Initializer
- recursionBlocker : Report
- recursionDepth : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >
- RecursionLimit : DbgLockAsserter
- recyclables : RecyclerPrivate< TAllocator, TNode >, TMonoAllocator< TAllocator >
- recycler : StdContainerAllocatorRecycling< T, TAllocator >
- ref : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >::TBidiIterator< TBitSetCM, isReverse >
- refCount : SharedPtr< T, TAllocator >::FieldMembers< U >, SharedVal< T, TAllocator >::FieldMembersNoTA, SharedVal< T, TAllocator >::FieldMembersWithAllocator, TSharedMonoVal< T, TAllocator, TLock >::FieldMembersWithLock
- reference : TFormat< TChar >::Tab
- RelCI : DbgConditionAsserter, DbgLockAsserter
- RemovableNamespaces : DbgBoxing
- RemoveEmptyDirectories : ScanParameters
- Replacement : EROperatorAlias, DomainSubstitutionRule
- replacementDeclarations : Configuration
- reportDomain : ALoxReportWriter
- Repository : Compiler
- RequiredArguments : EROptionDecl, ERParameterDecl
- ResourceCategory : CommandLine, EnumRecordParser, Camp
- resourceCategory : StandardRepository
- resourceInfo : CommandDecl, ExitCodeDecl, OptionDecl, ParameterDecl
- ResourceName : EnumRecordParser
- resourcePool : Camp
- Resources : CommandLine
- resources : StandardRepository
- Rest : TTokenizer< TChar >
- Result : Calculus::ConstantIdentifierEntry
- ResultStack : Program::CompileStorage
- ResultType : VirtualMachine::Command, Calculus::AutoCastEntry, Calculus::FunctionEntry
- ReverseCastFunctionName : CompilerPlugin::CIAutoCast, Calculus::AutoCastEntry
- ReverseCastFunctionNameRhs : CompilerPlugin::CIAutoCast
- Rhs : ASTBinaryOp
- rhs : Calculus::OperatorKey
- RhsIsConst : CompilerPlugin::CIAutoCast, CompilerPlugin::CIBinaryOp
- right : HuffmanDecoder::Node
- root : StringTreeBase< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >, StringTreeBase< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::RootNodeSpacer
- rootBase : StringTreeBase< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::RootNodeSpacer
- RTTI : EnumRecordKey
- runnable : Thread