ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2402 R1
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alib::enums::bitwise Namespace Reference


Operators available to elements of enumerations if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized.

This namespace exits only in the documentation to collect the operators. When parsed by a C++ compiler, the operators reside in the global namespace and functions HasBits , CountElements , ToBitwiseEnumeration and ToSequentialEnumeration reside in namespace alib.

As required, when parsed by a C++ compiler, the operators reside in the global namespace.

Function Index:

template<typename TEnum >
static constexpr int CountElements (TEnum value)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr bool HasBits (TEnum element, TEnum selection) noexcept
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator& (TEnum lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator&= (TEnum &lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator+ (TEnum lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator+= (TEnum &lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator- (TEnum lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator-= (TEnum &lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator^ (TEnum lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator^= (TEnum &lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator| (TEnum lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr bool operator|= (TEnum &lhs, TEnum rhs) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator~ (TEnum op) noexcept(true)
template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum ToBitwiseEnumeration (typename std::underlying_type< TEnum >::type number)
template<typename TEnum >
static constexpr std::underlying_type< TEnum >::type ToSequentialEnumeration (TEnum element)

Function Details:

◆ CountElements()

template<typename TEnum >
static constexpr int CountElements ( TEnum value)

Returns the number of bitwise enumeration elements set in the given value. In other words, the bits given in value are counted and the number is returned.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

valueA single or composite selection of bits.
The result of a call to alib::lang::BitCount().
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ HasBits()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr bool HasBits ( TEnum element,
TEnum selection )

Tests if the integral value of the given enum element contains all bits set in selection . In other words, returns result of:

  ( element & selection ) == selection

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type. Deduced by the compiler.
elementBitset to be tested.
selectionSecond operand.
true if all bits of selection are set in element .
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator&()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator& ( TEnum lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Bitwise and operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
lhsFirst operand.
rhsSecond operand.
The result of a bitwise and operation of the underlying enum values.

Definition at line 171 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator&=()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator&= ( TEnum & lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Bitwise assignment operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
[in,out]lhsReference to the first operand. Receives the result.
rhsSecond operand.
The new value of lhs which is set to lhs & rhs.

Definition at line 195 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator+()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator+ ( TEnum lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Alias to bitwise or operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type and if T_EnumIsArithmetical is not specialized to inherit std::true_type. The latter is to avoid ambiguities in situations where an enum is both, arithmetical and bitwise.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
lhsFirst operand.
rhsSecond operand.
The result of a bitwise or operation of the underlying enum values.

Definition at line 346 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator+=()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator+= ( TEnum & lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Alias for bitwise or assignment operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type and if T_EnumIsArithmetical is not specialized to inherit std::true_type. The latter is to avoid ambiguities in situations where an enum is both, arithmetical and bitwise.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
[in,out]lhsReference to the first operand. Receives the result.
rhsSecond operand.
The new value of lhs which is set to lhs | rhs.

Definition at line 373 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator-()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator- ( TEnum lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Removes bit(s) found in rhs from lhs an returns result. This is a shortcut to:

 lhs & !rhs

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type and if T_EnumIsArithmetical is not specialized to inherit std::true_type. The latter is to avoid ambiguities in situations where an enum is both, arithmetical and bitwise.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
lhsFirst operand.
rhsSecond operand.
The result of lhs & !rhs.

Definition at line 402 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator-=()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator-= ( TEnum & lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Removes bit(s) found in rhs from lhs . This is a shortcut to:

 lhs &= !rhs

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type and if T_EnumIsArithmetical is not specialized to inherit std::true_type. The latter is to avoid ambiguities in situations where an enum is both, arithmetical and bitwise.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
[in,out]lhsReference to the first operand. Receives the result.
rhsSecond operand.
The new value of lhs which is set to lhs & ( ~rhs ).

Definition at line 431 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator^()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator^ ( TEnum lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Bitwise xor operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
lhsFirst operand.
rhsSecond operand.
The result of a bitwise xor operation of the underlying enum values.

Definition at line 267 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator^=()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator^= ( TEnum & lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Bitwise xor assignment operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
[in,out]lhsReference to the first operand. Receives the result.
rhsSecond operand.
The new value of lhs which is set to lhs ^ rhs.

Definition at line 291 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator|()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator| ( TEnum lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Bitwise or operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
lhsFirst operand.
rhsSecond operand.
The result of a bitwise or operation of the underlying enum values.

Definition at line 219 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator|=()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr bool operator|= ( TEnum & lhs,
TEnum rhs )

Bitwise or assignment operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
[in,out]lhsReference to the first operand. Receives the result.
rhsSecond operand.
The new value of lhs which is set to lhs | rhs.

Definition at line 243 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ operator~()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum operator~ ( TEnum op)

Bitwise not operator useable with scoped enum types.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

To remove one or more bits from a scoped enum value, operator &= with this operator applied to op can be used. A shortcut to this is given with operator-=.
Template Parameters
TEnumEnumeration type.
opThe operand to be negated.
The result of a bitwise negation of op .

Definition at line 318 of file bitwise.hpp.

◆ ToBitwiseEnumeration()

template<typename TEnum >
constexpr TEnum ToBitwiseEnumeration ( typename std::underlying_type< TEnum >::type number)

Returns the bitwise enumeration element of TEnum from a given sequential enumeration.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

See also
The reverse function ToSequentialEnumeration.
Template Parameters
TEnumAn enumeration type which is defined to be "bitwise".
numberA sequentially enumerated number, for which the corresponding bitwise enumeration element is requested. bitwise enumeration.
Returns 1 << number.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ToSequentialEnumeration()

template<typename TEnum >
static constexpr std::underlying_type< TEnum >::type ToSequentialEnumeration ( TEnum element)

Returns the sequentially enumerated number derived from the given bitwise enumeration value. In other words, the positon of the most significant bit set in the underlying integral of the given enum element is returned.
In debug-compilations an ALib assertion is raised in case that the given value is not a single enum element but a combination of bits.

Selected by the compiler only if T_EnumIsBitwise is specialized for template enum type TEnum to inherit std::true_type.

See also
The reverse function ToBitwiseEnumeration.
Template Parameters
TEnumA bitwise defined enumeration type. Deduced by the compiler.
elementAn enumeration value.
The sequential number of an element of an enum type which is defined bitwise.
Here is the call graph for this function: