ALib C++ Library
Library Version: 2412 R0
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alib::strings::APPENDABLES Namespace Reference


This is a non-existing namespace! It is exclusively defined for the documentation parser .

In this "documentation namespace", you will find specializations of functor alib::strings,T_Append "strings,T_Append" which in reality are implemented in parent namespace alib::strings (as required by C++ language syntax).
The rationale for tricking the documentation to this pseude-namespace, is to twofold: On the one hand to keep namespace alib::strings clean and on the other to have an overview of all specializations in one place.

Type Index:

struct  T_Append< bool, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type bool. More...
struct  T_Append< boxing::Box, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< boxing::Enum, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< compatibility::std::TISReadLine< TChar >, TChar, lang::HeapAllocator >
struct  T_Append< config::Variable, nchar, lang::HeapAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Variable. More...
struct  T_Append< config::Variable, wchar, lang::HeapAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Variable. More...
struct  T_Append< double, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type double. More...
struct  T_Append< expressions::Expression, alib::character, lang::HeapAllocator >
struct  T_Append< expressions::ExpressionVal, alib::character, lang::HeapAllocator >
struct  T_Append< files::File, nchar, lang::HeapAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type File. More...
struct  T_Append< files::File, wchar, lang::HeapAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type File. More...
struct  T_Append< float, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type float. More...
struct  T_Append< int16_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type int16_t. More...
struct  T_Append< int32_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type int32_t. More...
struct  T_Append< int64_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type int64_t. More...
struct  T_Append< int8_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type int8_t. More...
struct  T_Append< intGap_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type intGap_t. More...
struct  T_Append< lang::CallerInfo, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< lang::Exception, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< lang::format::ByteSizeIEC, character, lang::HeapAllocator >
struct  T_Append< lang::format::ByteSizeSI, character, lang::HeapAllocator >
struct  T_Append< long double, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type long double. More...
struct  T_Append< lox::detail::Logger, TChar, lang::HeapAllocator >
struct  T_Append< QChar, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of type-traits struct T_Append for type QChar. More...
struct  T_Append< std::thread::id, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type std::thread::id.
struct  T_Append< std::type_info, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< strings::util::Token, alib::character, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Token. More...
struct  T_Append< TEnum, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< TEnumBitwise, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< TFormat< TChar >, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Format. More...
struct  T_Append< time::DateTime::Duration, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< time::Ticks::Duration, TChar, TAllocator >
struct  T_Append< typename lang::format::PropertyFormatterMapAppendable< TFormattable, TOptionEnum > *, character, lang::HeapAllocator >
struct  T_Append< typename lang::format::PropertyFormatterMapAppendable< TFormattable, TOptionEnum >, character, lang::HeapAllocator >
struct  T_Append< typename TFormat< TChar >::Bin, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Format::Bin. More...
struct  T_Append< typename TFormat< TChar >::Escape, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Format::Escape. More...
struct  T_Append< typename TFormat< TChar >::Field, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Format::Field. More...
struct  T_Append< typename TFormat< TChar >::Fill, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Format::Fill. More...
struct  T_Append< typename TFormat< TChar >::Hex, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Format::Hex. More...
struct  T_Append< typename TFormat< TChar >::Oct, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Format::Oct. More...
struct  T_Append< typename TFormat< TChar >::Tab, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type Format::Tab. More...
struct  T_Append< uint16_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type uint16_t. More...
struct  T_Append< uint32_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type uint32_t. More...
struct  T_Append< uint64_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type uint64_t. More...
struct  T_Append< uint8_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type uint8_t. More...
struct  T_Append< uintGap_t, TChar, TAllocator >
 Specialization of functor T_Append for type uintGap_t. More...