Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- access() : ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >
- AcknowledgeLox() : Logger, TextLogger
- Acquire() : Formatter, LI, Lox, Sleeper, SmartLock, ThreadLock, ThreadLockNR
- AcquireDefault() : Formatter
- acquireInternalLogables() : LI
- Actual() : AutoSizes
- Add() : Boxes, DbgStringTable< TAssociatedTypes >, Variable, FInfo::DirectorySums, Exception, Paragraphs
- AddAcquirer() : SmartLock
- AddALibReportWriter() : Log
- AddArray() : Boxes
- addBefore() : BidiNodeBase< TElement >
- addBehind() : BidiNodeBase< TElement >, SidiNodeBase< TElement >
- AddBinaryOperator() : Compiler
- AddBinaryOpOptimizations() : Calculus
- AddCustomData() : FInfo
- AddDebugLogger() : Log
- AddFunctionsWithNonMatchingArguments() : CompilerPlugin::CIFunction
- AddLogger() : Domain
- addLoggerRecursive() : Domain
- AddMarked() : Paragraphs
- AddNamed() : Compiler
- AddOperator() : Calculus
- AddOperatorAlias() : Calculus
- AddOperatorAliases() : Calculus
- AddOperators() : Calculus
- addParamDecls() : CommandDecl
- AddResourcedSectionComments() : IniFile
- AddType() : Compiler
- AddUnaryOperator() : Compiler
- AdjustRegion() : TString< TChar >
- Age() : TimePointBase< TClock, TDerived >
- All() : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >
- Alloc() : MonoAllocator
- alloc() : MonoAllocator::Chunk
- AllocArray() : MonoAllocator
- allocate() : StdContMA< T >, StdContMAOptional< T >, StdContMARecycling< T >
- AllocateExtendedInfo() : FTree
- Allocator() : SelfContained< TContained >
- allocElement() : HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >, List< T, TRecycling >
- allocMessageLink() : Exception
- AllocUnrelated() : RTTRAllocator
- ALox() : ALox
- ALoxReportWriter() : ALoxReportWriter
- AnsiConsoleLogger() : AnsiConsoleLogger
- AnsiLogger() : AnsiLogger
- Any() : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >
- Append() : TAString< TChar >
- Appendable() : FAppend< TChar >
- AreEqual() : ScopeStoreType< T >
- areEqual() : HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >
- AreOfType() : EnumRecords< TEnum, TEnableIf >
- Arg() : CompilerPlugin::CIFunction
- ArgCount() : CommandLine
- Arithmetics() : Arithmetics
- Array() : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >
- ArrayCompressor() : ArrayCompressor
- ArrayElementSize() : Box
- Assemble() : AST, ASTBinaryOp, ASTConditional, ASTFunction, ASTIdentifier, ASTLiteral, ASTUnaryOp
- AssembleBinaryOp() : Program
- AssembleCondFinalize_F() : Program
- AssembleCondFinalize_Q() : Program
- AssembleCondFinalize_T() : Program
- AssembleConstant() : Program
- AssembleFinalize() : Program
- AssembleFunction() : Program
- assemblePath() : StringTreeBase< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::NodeBase
- AssemblePath() : StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::TCursor< TConst >
- AssembleUnaryOp() : Program
- Assert() : Lox
- assertChar() : EnumRecordParser
- assertEndOfInput() : EnumRecordParser
- assertEndOfRecord() : EnumRecordParser
- assertNoTrailingWhitespaces() : EnumRecordParser
- assertNoUnnecessary() : EnumRecordParser
- assertNoWhitespaces() : EnumRecordParser
- AssociatedCLIException() : ExitCodeDecl
- AST() : AST
- ASTBinaryOp() : ASTBinaryOp
- ASTConditional() : ASTConditional
- ASTFunction() : ASTFunction
- ASTIdentifier() : ASTIdentifier
- ASTLiteral() : ASTLiteral
- ASTUnaryOp() : ASTUnaryOp
- At() : Program
- ATime() : FInfo
- AutoCast() : AutoCast