Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- S : Signatures
- SAcqCI : DbgSharedLockAsserter
- scanner : ParserImpl
- scope : FileExpressions::Filter
- scopeDomains : LoxImpl
- scopeInfo : LoxImpl, ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >
- scopeLogData : LoxImpl
- scopeLogOnce : LoxImpl
- scopePrefixes : LoxImpl
- Search : DomainSubstitutionRule
- Second : CalendarDateTime
- Seconds : CalendarDuration
- Secs : FormatTimeDiff
- SectionName : IniFile::EntryKey
- Sections : IniFile
- Sensitivity : ScopeInfo::SourcePathTrimRule
- separator : StringTreeBase< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >
- session : AutoSizes::Entry
- shortcutReplacementString : EROptionDecl
- SI : Signatures
- Signature : Calculus::FunctionEntry
- SignatureLength : Calculus::FunctionEntry
- SignPaddingMode : FormatterStdImpl::PlaceholderAttributes
- SII : Signatures
- singleton : Singleton< TDerivedClass >
- Size : FInfo::DirectorySums
- size : HashTableBase< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >, FInfo
- sizeLimitToRehash : HashTableBase< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >
- Sizes : FormatterPythonStyle
- SizesDefaultInstance : FormatterPythonStyle
- skipEmpty : TTokenizer< TChar >
- sorted : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >::RecursionData
- sortingIsCaseSensitive : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >::RecursionData
- sortingIsDescending : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >::RecursionData
- span : TimePointBase< TClock, TDerived >::Duration
- sr : RecyclerShared< TAllocator, TNode >
- SRelCI : DbgSharedLockAsserter
- SS : Signatures
- SSB : Signatures
- SSI : Signatures
- SSS : Signatures
- Stack : Scope
- stack : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >, RTTRAllocator< TAllocator >
- stamp : CalendarDate, TimePointBase< TClock, TDerived >
- startIdx : TFormat< TChar >::Escape
- StartPath : ScanParameters
- startTime : StopWatch
- Stat : ProcessInfo
- state : Thread
- statLastJobExecution : DedicatedWorker
- StatPGRP : ProcessInfo
- StatState : ProcessInfo
- stdFormatter : ExpressionFormatter, PropertyFormatter
- steadyClockSyncTime : TickConverter
- stopJobExecuted : DedicatedWorker
- stopJobPushed : DedicatedWorker
- storage : BitBuffer, BitBufferLocal< TCapacity >, BitBufferMA, StringTreeBase< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::NodeKey::NodeNameUnion
- Strategy : ThreadPool
- String : Types
- stringEscaper : ConfigurationPlugin
- stringListRecycler : CommandLine
- SubDomains : Domain
- SubstitutionVariableDelimiters : Configuration
- SubstitutionVariableEnd : Configuration
- SubstitutionVariableStart : Configuration
- subTree : Configuration::ListenerRecord, FTree::ListenerRecord
- Suffix : FormatMultiLine
- sum : StopWatch
- sumCompressed : ArrayCompressor::Statistics
- sumCompressedWon : ArrayCompressor::Statistics
- Sums : FInfo::EIDirectory, FInfo::EISymLinkDir
- sumUncompressed : ArrayCompressor::Statistics
- sumUnCompressedWon : ArrayCompressor::Statistics
- SVar : Signatures
- Symbol : ERBinaryOperator, EROperatorAlias
- symbol : HuffmanDecoder::Node
- symbols : HuffmanEncoder
- syntaxTokens : ParserImpl
- systemClockSyncTime : TickConverter