Here is a list of all documented variables with links to the class documentation for each member:
- d -
- D : Signatures
- data : BitBufferBase, Box, FInfo::InfoBox, FTree::LinkedEIDir, FTree::LinkedEISL, FTree::LinkedEISLDir, LocalResourcePool
- Data : Domain
- data : ListElement< T >, StringTreeBase< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::Node, AutoSizes
- DateConverter : MetaInfo
- DateFormat : MetaInfo
- DateTime : Types, FormatterJavaStyle::PlaceholderAttributesJS
- Day : CalendarDateTime
- DayOfWeek : CalendarDateTime
- Days : CalendarDuration
- DbgAssemblyTime : Expression
- DbgCallbackName : CompilerPlugin::CompilationInfo, Calculus::AutoCastEntry, Calculus::FunctionEntry
- DbgCallbackNameRhs : CompilerPlugin::CIAutoCast
- DbgCntInvocationsFAppend : FunctionTable
- DbgCntInvocationsFClone : FunctionTable
- DbgCntInvocationsFEquals : FunctionTable
- DbgCntInvocationsFHashcode : FunctionTable
- DbgCntInvocationsFIsLess : FunctionTable
- DbgCntInvocationsFIsNotNull : FunctionTable
- DbgCntInvocationsFIsTrue : FunctionTable
- DbgCntUsage : VTable
- dbgDeallocationWarning : StdContMA< T >, StdContMAOptional< T >
- dbgDetectedObjectTypeInfo : RTTRAllocator
- DbgInfo : VirtualMachine::Command
- dbgIsAcquiredBy : Sleeper, ThreadLockNR
- DbgLastEvaluationTime : Expression
- DbgOwnerFile : Sleeper, ThreadLock, ThreadLockNR
- DbgOwnerFunc : Sleeper, ThreadLock, ThreadLockNR
- DbgOwnerLine : Sleeper, ThreadLock, ThreadLockNR
- DbgParseTime : Expression
- DbgProduction : VTable
- DbgRecursionWarningThreshold : ThreadLock
- DbgResourceLoadObserver : LocalResourcePool
- dbgRootDataSet : StringTreeBase< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >
- DbgStats : MonoAllocator
- dbgWarnDeallocationPriorToAllocation : RTTRAllocator
- dbgWarnDifferentObjectTypeAlloc : RTTRAllocator
- dbgWarnDifferentObjectTypeDealloc : RTTRAllocator
- DbgWarningAfterWaitTimeInMillis : ThreadLock
- dbgWarnRecycleChunkPriorToAllocation : RTTRAllocator
- dbgWarnWhenExternalBufferIsReplaced : TAString< TChar >
- DDur : Signatures
- Debugger_Integral : Placeholder
- Debugger_String : Placeholder
- debugLastAllocRequest : TAString< TChar >
- DebugLogger : Log
- DebugReportWriter : Log
- DecimalPointChar : TNumberFormat< TChar >
- Declaration : Command, Option, Parameter
- declElement : CommandDecl, ExitCodeDecl, OptionDecl, ParameterDecl
- DecMinimumFieldWidth : TNumberFormat< TChar >
- DecompileSymbol : VirtualMachine::Command
- DecompileType : VirtualMachine::Command
- DefaultCacheSize : ScopeInfo
- DefaultCategories : CLIArgs, StandardRepository
- DefaultCommentPrefix : IniFile
- DefaultFileExtension : IniFile
- defaultFormatter : Formatter
- DefaultNumberFormat : Formatter
- DefaultPrecision : FormatterJavaStyle::PlaceholderAttributesJS, FormatterPythonStyle::PlaceholderAttributesPS
- defaultReport : Report
- defaultStringConverter : ConfigurationPlugin
- DefaultValue : VariableFields, VariableDecl
- Delim : VariableFields, InMemoryPlugin::Entry, VariableDecl
- delim : TTokenizer< TChar >
- DescriptionOrItsResourceName : ERException
- Descriptor : Calculus::ConstantIdentifierEntry, Calculus::FunctionEntry
- DetectedMaxLineWidth : Paragraphs
- detectedObjectAlignment : RTTRAllocator
- detectedObjectSize : RTTRAllocator
- DirectoryFilterPostRecursion : ScanParameters
- DirectoryFilterPreRecursion : ScanParameters
- distance : ArrayCompressor::Array< TIntegral >
- Distance : VirtualMachine::Command::OperationParam
- domains : LoxImpl
- domainSubstitutions : LoxImpl
- Double : UnionFloatingPoints
- DoubleArray : UnionFloatingPoints
- DryRun : CommandLine
- Dur : Signatures
- Duration : Types