Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- rbegin() : List< TAllocator, T, TRecycling >, TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >, TAString< TChar, TAllocator >, TString< TChar >
- Read() : HuffmanDecoder, BitReader, T_Boxer< std::array< TElement, N >, ATMP_VOID_IF(!characters::TT_IsChar< TElement >::value) >, T_Boxer< std::vector< TElement >, ATMP_VOID_IF(!characters::TT_IsChar< TElement >::value) >, Placeholder, T_Boxer< TBoxable, TEnableIf >, Command, Option, Parameter, IniFile, TTextFile< TNString, TAllocator >, StringReader
- ReadNextCommands() : CommandLine
- ReadOptions() : CommandLine
- ReadTree() : HuffmanDecoder
- readUIntegral16() : BitReader
- readUIntegral32() : BitReader
- readUIntegral64() : BitReader
- readUIntegral8() : BitReader
- reallocate() : Allocator, HeapAllocator, TMonoAllocator< TAllocator >, TPoolAllocator< TAllocator, TAlignment >
- recursion() : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >
- RecursionData() : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >::RecursionData
- RecyclablesCount() : HashTable< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >, List< TAllocator, T, TRecycling >, StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >
- Recycle() : RecyclerPrivate< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerShared< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerVoid< TAllocator, TNode >, RTTRAllocator< TAllocator >
- RecycleChunk() : RecyclerPrivate< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerShared< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerVoid< TAllocator, TNode >, RTTRAllocator< TAllocator >
- RecycleList() : RecyclerPrivate< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerShared< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerVoid< TAllocator, TNode >
- RecyclerPrivate() : RecyclerPrivate< TAllocator, TNode >
- RecyclerShared() : RecyclerShared< TAllocator, TNode >
- RecyclerVoid() : RecyclerVoid< TAllocator, TNode >
- RecyclingTag() : HashTable< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >
- Reference() : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >::Reference< TBitSetCM >
- RegexMatcher() : RegexMatcher
- Register() : ALoxCamp
- registerListener() : Configuration, FTree
- RegisterType() : Configuration
- registerType() : Configuration
- rehash() : HashTableBase< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >
- Release() : DbgCriticalSections, LI, Lox, TSharedMonoVal< T, TAllocator, TLock >, ThreadPool, Lock, SharedLock, SharedTimedLock, TCondition< TDerived >, TimedLock
- ReleaseAndNotify() : TCondition< TDerived >
- ReleaseAndNotifyAll() : TCondition< TDerived >
- ReleaseRecursive() : TSharedMonoVal< T, TAllocator, TLock >, RecursiveLock, RecursiveTimedLock
- ReleaseShared() : DbgCriticalSections, TSharedMonoVal< T, TAllocator, TLock >, SharedLock, SharedTimedLock
- RemainingSize() : BitBufferBase, BitRWBase
- Remove() : ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >, DWManager, Trigger
- remove() : BidiNodeBase< TElement >
- RemoveALibReportWriter() : Log
- RemoveAll() : DWManager
- RemoveArg() : CommandLine
- RemoveDebugLogger() : Log
- RemoveLastNewLine() : Paragraphs
- RemoveLogger() : Domain, LI, Lox
- removeLoggerRecursive() : Domain
- RemoveNamed() : Compiler
- removeNamespaces() : DbgBoxing
- removeNext() : SidiNodeBase< TElement >
- RemovePlugin() : PluginContainer< TPlugin, TPriorities >
- removeRangeBehind() : SidiNodeBase< TElement >
- RemoveThreadDomain() : LI, Lox
- rend() : List< TAllocator, T, TRecycling >, TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >, TAString< TChar, TAllocator >, TString< TChar >
- repair() : HashTableBase< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >::TIterator< TConstOrMutable >
- replace() : ParserImpl
- Replacements() : Replacements
- ReplaceRegion() : TAString< TChar, TAllocator >
- ReplaceSubstring() : TAString< TChar, TAllocator >
- ReplaceToReadable() : ESC
- Report() : Report, ReportWriter, ReportWriterStdIO, ALoxReportWriter
- ReportWriterStdIO() : ReportWriterStdIO
- RequestedDepth() : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >
- Reserve() : TBoxes< TAllocator >, RecyclerPrivate< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerShared< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerVoid< TAllocator, TNode >, SharedRecycler< TAllocator, TNode >, HashTable< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >, LRUCacheTable< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual >
- ReserveRecyclables() : HashTable< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >, List< TAllocator, T, TRecycling >, StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >
- Reset() : BitReader, BitWriter, ConfigResourcePool, IniFile, TSharedConfiguration< TLock >, RecyclerPrivate< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerShared< TAllocator, TNode >, RecyclerVoid< TAllocator, TNode >, SharedRecycler< TAllocator, TNode >, HashTable< TAllocator, TValueDescriptor, THash, TEqual, THashCaching, TRecycling >, List< TAllocator, T, TRecycling >, StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >, Expression, TSharedFTree< TLock >, Formatter, FormatterPythonStyle, TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >, ALoxCamp, LI, Lox, TMonoAllocator< TAllocator >, TPoolAllocator< TAllocator, TAlignment >, TSharedMonoVal< T, TAllocator, TLock >, TAString< TChar, TAllocator >, AutoSizes, StopWatch, TimePointBase< TClock, TDerived >
- reset() : Scope, BidiListHook< TElement >, SidiListHook< TElement >, Buffer
- ResetAutoSizes() : ObjectConverter, StandardConverter, TextLogger
- ResetNow() : TStringLengthResetter< TChar, TAllocator >
- resetPlaceholder() : FormatterJavaStyle, FormatterPythonStyle, FormatterStdImpl
- ResourceInfo() : ResourceInfo
- Restart() : AutoSizes
- ResultsPaths() : ResultsPaths
- ResultType() : Program, ExpressionVal
- Retrieve() : Lox
- retrieve() : LI
- Reverse() : TAString< TChar, TAllocator >
- Root() : StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >, StringTree< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::TCursor< TConst >, FTree
- RootNodeSpacer() : StringTreeBase< TAllocator, T, TNodeHandler, TRecycling >::RootNodeSpacer
- RTTRAllocator() : RTTRAllocator< TAllocator >
- Run() : Program, VirtualMachine, DedicatedWorker, Trigger, Runnable, Thread
- run() : VirtualMachine