Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- r -
- RawValue : InMemoryPlugin::Entry
- rbegin() : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >, List< T, TRecycling >, TAString< TChar >, TString< TChar >
- Read() : HuffmanDecoder, BitReader, T_Boxer< std::array< TElement, N >, ATMP_VOID_IF(!characters::TT_IsChar< TElement >::value) >, T_Boxer< std::vector< TElement >, ATMP_VOID_IF(!characters::TT_IsChar< TElement >::value) >, Placeholder, T_Boxer< TBoxable, TEnableIf >, Command, Option, Parameter, StringReader
- ReadFile() : IniFile
- ReadNextCommands() : CommandLine
- readOp : StringReader
- ReadOptions() : CommandLine
- readTimes : ArrayCompressor::Statistics
- ReadTree() : HuffmanDecoder
- readUIntegral16() : BitReader
- readUIntegral32() : BitReader
- readUIntegral64() : BitReader
- readUIntegral8() : BitReader
- RealPath : ResultsPaths
- RealTarget : FInfo::EISymLinkFile
- record : CommandDecl, ExitCodeDecl, OptionDecl, ParameterDecl, EnumRecordHook< TEnum >::Node, EnumRecords< TEnum, TEnableIf >::Initializer
- recursion() : StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >
- recursionBlocker : Report
- RecursionData() : StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >::RecursionData
- recursionDepth : StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >
- RecursiveIterator : StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >
- recyclables : RecyclerPSBase< TSidiNode, TList >, MonoAllocator
- RecyclablesCount() : HashTable< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >, List< T, TRecycling >, StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >
- recycle() : RecyclerPSBase< TSidiNode, TList >
- Recycle() : RTTRAllocator
- recycleChunk() : RecyclerPSBase< TSidiNode, TList >
- RecycleChunk() : RTTRAllocator
- recycler : HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >, List< T, TRecycling >, StdContMARecycling< T >
- recyclerEIDir : FTree
- recyclerEISL : FTree
- recyclerEISlDir : FTree
- RecyclerPrivate() : RecyclerPrivate< TSidiNode >
- RecyclerPSBase() : RecyclerPSBase< TSidiNode, TList >
- RecyclerShared() : RecyclerShared< TSidiNode >
- ref : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >::TBidiIterator< TBitSetCM, isReverse >
- reference : EnumIterator< TEnum, TEnableIf >::TRandomAccessIterator< TPointer, TReference >, EnumRecords< TEnum, TEnableIf >::ForwardIterator, Exception::IteratorType< TConstOrMutableMessage >
- Reference() : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >::Reference< TBitSetCM >
- reference : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >::TBidiIterator< TBitSetCM, isReverse >, HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >::TIterator< TConstOrMutable >, HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >::TLocalIterator< TConstOrMutable >, List< T, TRecycling >::TIterator< TConstOrMutableElement >, TFormat< TChar >::Tab, TString< TChar >::TRandomAccessIterator< TCharConstOrMutable >
- RegexMatcher() : RegexMatcher
- Register() : ALox
- rehash() : HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >
- Release() : Formatter, LI, ScopeInfo, Lox, Sleeper, SmartLock, ThreadLock, ThreadLockNR
- RemainingSize() : BitBufferBase, BitRWBase
- RemovableNamespaces : DbgBoxing
- remove() : BidiNodeBase< TElement >
- Remove() : ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >
- RemoveAcquirer() : SmartLock
- RemoveALibReportWriter() : Log
- RemoveArg() : CommandLine
- RemoveDebugLogger() : Log
- RemoveEmptyDirectories : ScanParameters
- RemoveLastNewLine() : Paragraphs
- RemoveLogger() : Domain, LI, Lox
- removeLoggerRecursive() : Domain
- RemoveNamed() : Compiler
- removeNamespaces() : DbgBoxing
- removeNext() : SidiNodeBase< TElement >
- RemovePlugin() : PluginContainer< pTPlugin, pTPriorities >
- removeRangeBehind() : SidiNodeBase< TElement >
- RemoveThreadDomain() : LI, Lox
- rend() : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >, List< T, TRecycling >, TAString< TChar >, TString< TChar >
- repair() : HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >::TIterator< TConstOrMutable >
- replace() : ParserImpl
- ReplaceCategory() : Variable
- ReplaceComments() : Variable
- ReplaceDefault() : Formatter
- ReplaceDefaultValue() : Variable
- ReplaceFormatAttrAlignment() : Variable
- Replacement : EROperatorAlias, DomainSubstitutionRule
- replacements : TextLogger
- ReplaceName() : Variable
- ReplaceRegion() : TAString< TChar >
- ReplaceSubstring() : TAString< TChar >
- ReplaceToReadable() : ESC
- ReplaceValue() : Variable
- Report() : Report, ReportWriter, ReportWriterStdIO, ALoxReportWriter
- reportDomain : ALoxReportWriter
- ReportWriterStdIO() : ReportWriterStdIO
- Repository : Compiler
- RequestedDepth() : StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::TRecursiveIterator< TConst >
- Reserve() : Boxes, HashTable< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >
- ReserveRecyclables() : HashTable< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >, List< T, TRecycling >, StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >
- Reset() : BitReader, BitWriter, Variable, Scope
- reset() : BidiListHelper< TElement >, Formatter, FormatterPythonStyle, SidiListHelper< TElement >
- Reset() : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >, ALox, LI, ScopeStore< T, TStackedThreadValues >
- Reset() : Lox
- reset() : HashTableBase< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >
- Reset() : HashTable< T, TStored, TKey, TIfMapped, THash, TEqual, TAccess, THashCaching, TRecycling >, List< T, TRecycling >
- reset() : MonoAllocator::Chunk
- Reset() : MonoAllocator, SelfContained< TContained >, StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >, TAString< TChar >, AutoSizes, StopWatch, TimePointBase< TClock, TDerived >
- ResetAutoSizes() : ObjectConverter, StandardConverter, TextLogger
- ResetNow() : TStringLengthResetter< TChar >
- resetPlaceholder() : FormatterJavaStyle, FormatterPythonStyle, FormatterStdImpl
- ResetToSection() : Configuration::Iterator
- ResourceCategory : CommandLine, EnumRecordParser
- resourceCategory : StandardRepository
- ResourceCategory : Camp
- resourceInfo : CommandDecl, ExitCodeDecl, OptionDecl, ParameterDecl
- ResourceInfo() : ResourceInfo
- ResourceName : EnumRecordParser
- resourcePool : Camp
- Resources : CommandLine, Scope
- resources : StandardRepository
- Rest : TTokenizer< TChar >
- Result : Calculus::ConstantIdentifierEntry
- ResultsPaths() : ResultsPaths
- ResultStack : Program::CompileStorage
- ResultType() : Program, VirtualMachine::Command, Expression, Calculus::AutoCastEntry, Calculus::FunctionEntry
- retrieve() : LI
- Retrieve() : Lox
- Reverse() : CharArray< TChar >, TAString< TChar >
- ReverseCastFunctionName : CompilerPlugin::CIAutoCast, Calculus::AutoCastEntry
- ReverseCastFunctionNameRhs : CompilerPlugin::CIAutoCast
- ReverseIterator : TBitSet< TInterface, TEnd, TBegin >, List< T, TRecycling >, TAString< TChar >
- Rhs : ASTBinaryOp
- rhs : Calculus::OperatorKey
- RhsIsConst : CompilerPlugin::CIAutoCast, CompilerPlugin::CIBinaryOp
- right : HuffmanDecoder::Node
- root : StringTreeBase< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >, StringTreeBase< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::RootNodeSpacer
- Root() : StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >, StringTree< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::TCursor< TConst >
- rootBase : StringTreeBase< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::RootNodeSpacer
- RootNodeSpacer() : StringTreeBase< T, TNodeMaintainer, TRecycling >::RootNodeSpacer
- RTTI : EnumRecordKey
- RTTRAllocator() : RTTRAllocator
- Run() : Program, VirtualMachine
- run() : VirtualMachine
- Run() : Runnable, Thread
- runnable : Thread